Women in Cleantech; A Day in the Life of Three CEOs
NOV 05, 2020
Description Community

-Julie Angus interviews Melanie McClare and Susan Blanchet, two fellow female CEOs operating in the Canadian cleantech space about their experiences as women in positions of leadership

-cleantech as a supportive environment for women leading companies, becoming CEOs of their companies

-COVID19 as a challenge for everyone, but especially for women that are also more likely to have to balance more family responsibilities as well

-some positive COVID19 changes to the workplace and more access to funding have also helped make the cleantech ecosystem more resilient

-government funding programs and extra support from mentors and business advisors have helped inform the changes necessary to the business development road map

-COVID has created new opportunities in some spaces, paused opportunities in others

-how cleantech can use challenges created by the pandemic to make the world a better place and to innovate in different sectors

-COVID19 as a catalyst in innovation when it comes to environmental and social issues 

-how COVID19 has impacted women in the labour force and what we can do to recover from that impact

-creating community around young women to encourage more of them to enter the cleantech space and use their environmental and social governance skills to create positive changes

-supportive ecosystems in Calgary and Victoria for startups, active knowledge sharing within the community

-advice for women interested in the cleantech sector or a STEM career and how to get involved in this space

-lessons learned from failing, finding success on the doorstep of failure, and how to recharge after that experience

-memorable moments in the entrepreneurial journey
