Tarrare - The Man Who Ate Too Much
FEB 15, 2024
Description Community

The extraterrestrial comedy podcast where we probe Tarrare. Tarrare, liked to eat. Tarrier liked to eat a lot. As a baby, anything left with Tarrare would be gobbled. The child could consume his own bodyweight in meat. Was this a mutant? An X-Man? The first X-Person? A ghoul or some other form of monster? Or was Tarrare the very embodiment of gluttony? An infectious literal sin roaming the world? Regardless, Tarrare would go on to live quite the life - performing on the streets before ending up in the French military. There, Tarrare would become secret agent 00-hungry but there was a fatal flaw in Tarrare’s career. No matter what Tarrare did, Tarrare was still hungry. Did Tarrare have a wormhole inside his tum-tum? Or can human physiology, neurology, psychology and psychiatry explain this? This is all a true story… All that and more on this week’s file.










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Music created via Garageband. Additional music via: https://freepd.com - thank you most kindly good people. We closed out the episode with the ’Staff Roll’ aka credits theme from Nintendo’s 1990-1992 Super Mario World from the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, composed by Hero of Sound Kōji Kondō.




Ripley’s summary of Tarrare: https://www.ripleys.com/weird-news/tarrare/


Unbelievable Facts summary: https://unbelievable-facts.com/2023/04/tarrare-the-man-who-ate-anything.html


Messy Nessy: https://www.messynessychic.com/2018/07/13/whatever-you-do-dont-tell-the-french-about-tarrare/


Wiltons write up: https://www.wiltons.org.uk/news/155
