Navigating The Hard Days
OCT 26, 2023
Description Community

My tips for navigating a hard day

  1. Have a framework / guidance system / non-negotiables for your hard days
  2. Adjust your targets / expectations for hard days 
  3. Fuel yourself properly (nutrition + hydration) 
  4. Move your body (yoga!)

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Will this help nourish my body/mind/soul?
  2. How can I love myself through my choices right now?


  1. Expectations, shame, judgement of self
  2. stories about the emotions
  3. the desire to ignore / distract / numb (no doomsday scrolling, swiping, or intaking substances). 

Here was my exact day:

processing emotions/ shadow work, solo computer work (releasing expectations to film/ record etc), went for a walk w a friend, hot yoga class with another friend, attended breathwork & meditation class at night, went to bed early.... Hard days don't stop coming, we just get better at navigating them. Simply encourage yourself to simply make better choices next time. 


You are NOT alone in how you feel or in your experience. 

This WILL pass.

A better day is ahead for you.

I love you.

