FBU 355: Online Business Basics Part 5: Create Your First Irresistible Offer + beta test it
JAN 17, 2024
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There are more opportunities for success now than ever before, but that doesn’t stop the idea of starting an online business seem terrifying and overwhelming. The good news is, once you can master the basics, you can handle anything that comes your way, and that’s what the Online Business Basics series has been about. In the final installment, Jill provides insights on  how to create your irresistible offer, and the importance of beta testing it before launching. What you have to offer is valuable, and running it through a beta test can help to ensure that you’re getting the kind of results for your clients that you’ve promised them.


Listen to Online Business Basics Part 1Part 2Part 3, Part 4

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Jill is a fitness professional and business coach who effectively made the transition from training clients in person and having no time to build anything else to training clients online and actually being more successful. Today, Jill helps other coaches to do the same.


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Instagram: @jillfit | @fitbizu

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