Episode 81.1 - Maple-Butter Fried Turkey Leg
JAN 22, 2024
Description Community

Join Cory, Jade, and Zachary as we play Here We Used to Fly by Kurt Refling and Ian Howard. Isaiah, Martha, and Avery are three children who grew up with the Court at Camelot serving as the thread that tied them together. Their lives took them in different directions as they grew up, but now they're back at the park at Avery's request. What can they learn about each other from the park's past, and how does that inform the way they are now?

Martha is played by Cory.

Avery is played by Jade.

Isaiah is played by Zachary.

Produced by August.

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Find out more about the games we play (and where to buy them): https://www.ftlcast.com/games-weve-played

Episode summaries available here: https://goo.gl/3nXVpA

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Cover image by Sam and original music by @takuma_okada_

Follow the Leader is part of the Standing Stones Productions podcasting guild. Find out more about us and our projects on Twitter: @stones_standing

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