ICRC reunites families, Swiss neutrality and weapons exports
MAY 02, 2023
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This week, Inside Geneva goes behind the scenes with the ICRC’s prisoner exchange in Yemen.

Fabrizio Carboni, ICRC: "I look at my kids, I look at my family, and I say ‘imagine now there is a frontline between us, and my son, my brother, my mother, my father are captured and I can't see them for a year, or two, three, four".

Can the move help bring peace to Yemen?

Daniel Warner, analyst: "Confidence building is the most important thing in all negotiations, and in any kind of situation, such as prisoner exchange, but in any development of finding peace".

And we look at Switzerland’s tricky position over Ukraine, neutrality, and the arms trade.

Keith Krause, Geneva Graduate Institute: "German officials have expressed their dismay that Switzerland would not allow re-export of munitions that Germany had bought several years ago, so Switzerland finds itself in a very delicate position".

Daniel Warner, analyst: "A Russian diplomat said that Switzerland is no longer considered a neutral country. When you think of the summits: Reagan Gorbachev, Biden Putin, it's difficult to imagine in the future Geneva or Switzerland will be a centre for negotiations".

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