Book Club Ep #6: O’Gorman & The Practice of Angling – the Irish Walton?
JAN 14, 2024
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After a long hiatus we have another book club episode this week and this time we’re focusing on O’Gorman and the Practice of Angling from 1845.


Who was O’Gorman you may be asking?  In many ways he was the Izaak Walton of Irish fly fishing (albeit a lot better at writing!) whose book in the 1800s gives a glimpse of the halcyon days of Irish fishing.

This week’s guest is Patrick Gageby, barrister and fly fisherman who co-wrote the introduction to a re-issued version in 1993.  We discuss O'Gorman's life, the anecdotes and fishing covered in the book and why it's a forgotten but still important canon in the earliest writings on fly fishing in Ireland.


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