3/20 2 Samuel 5 - David Becomes King
MAR 20, 2024
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The Bible is filled with Key Chapters that are necessary to know in order to understand the message of the Bible. Today we’ll study one of those passages as we look upon the installation of David as king. Join us as we see what this passage has to say and how it ties into the overall Word of God! 


1.    The podcast gave a brief overview of the first few chapters of 2nd Samuel. How would you describe the political climate of Israel during this time? 
2.    In light of the political climate of Israel prior to chapter 5, what is the significance of the statement in verse 1 that “all the tribes of Israel came to David?” Why would this have not been a “given”? 
3.    We tend to assume that Jerusalem was always under Israelite control, and yet it was not. Joshua 15:63 explains that it was inhabited by Jebusites. What does David do in verse 7 and why do you think he did this?
4.    In verse 12, who did David recognize as the reason for him becoming king over Israel? How was this perspective different from Saul’s perspective? How do you think this understanding fed into why David was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14)? 
5.    The podcast explains that Saul viewed his kingdom as something for himself, whereas David viewed it as something to bring about God’s laws to be used for God’s glory. How do we see these differences in the reigns of Saul versus David? 

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

To see our dedicated podcast website with access to all our episodes and other resources, visit us at: www.keychapters.org.

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YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

