Getting A Grip | Episode 9: Mike Maddox and Gabe Muller
MAR 27
Description Community
"Getting A Grip" is a brand new show for Michigan Business Network, hosted by long-time MBN contributor Michael Maddox.

In this weekly program Mike will focus on helping entrepreneurs end the chaos. Through the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) we highlight ways that business owners can clarify their vision, gain traction, and increase team health. Entrepreneur and Professional EOS Implementor, Mike Maddox, highlights the foundational tools of EOS, shares real world examples, interviews fascinating guests, and will challenge your way of thinking. If you are ready to end the frustration and share a few laughs along the way, listen to Getting A Grip each week.

For Episode 9: Guest Bio

Gabe Muller, Certified EOS Implementer

Episode/Interview Details

Tell us about why you chose to become an EOS Implementer

How has EOS Impacted your life personally

What are some common themes you have seen in working with clients through the EOS journey

What advice would you give to entrepreneurs considering EOS

What advice would you give to companies just beginning their EOS journey

Lets discuss your “other passions” – flying! How does that tie in to what you teach?

*I also like to ask guests to share a motivational movie scene, poem, song – something that gets them fired up!

“Don’t Think… Just Do!” Maverick

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