This Full Moon of Gemini opposes a Sun-Mars conjunction in Sag and forms a unique t-square with Saturn @ 1* Pisces.
Are you choosing to return to Source energy or are the separating forces still holding you back?
Venus conjunct the south node in Libra squares Pluto in late Capricorn setting up possible power struggles in relationships. Who's in charge in my world?
Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus form a waxing sextile with that Venus-South node pairing. This is a classic Yod formation whereby evolution forces some major adjustment with these archetypes. Possible manifestations include land destruction and shifting boundaries (war) or renewed progressive visions on sharing resources. Will the current "lines in the sand mentality" in the Mideast and Eastern Europe prevail or do we embark on new frontiers of peace and mutual respect?
Finally, join us for the full and free Mercury Retrograde webinar Dec. 13th @ 6pm MST.
Mercury Rx @ 8* Capricorn until the New Year @ 22* Sag. Get to the essence of all communications.
Slow down and clarify understandings. Mercury makes aspects to 7 planets during this end of the year cycle. Now is your time to discover what is truly important on this always eventful journey to the core of the Soul.