Author/executive producer Chris Korman talks about his latest “OMG! It’s Harvey Korman’s Son!”
FEB 26, 2024
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Author/executive producer Chris Korman talks about his latest release “OMG! It’s Harvey Korman’s Son!” as a loving memoir about life with his famous father including working on The Carol Burnett Show, the legendary Mel Brooks in “Blazing Saddles”, “High Anxiety”, “History of the World, Part 1”; playing in golf tournaments and as a father figure going to LA Dodger baseball games and more! Chris has 20+ years experience in the entertainment industry working with various artists, brand building and representation, and talks about his life being born with learning disabilities attending the Frostig School in Southern California with his father supporting him throughout the years, plus stories of Harvey with Peter Marshall, Johnny Carson, Tim Conway and more! Check out the amazing Chris Korman and his latest release “OMG! It’s Harvey Korman’s Son” on all major platforms today! #chriskorman #harveykorman #author #executiveproducer #OMGitsharveykormansson #comedian #thecarolburnettshow #melbrooks #blazingsaddles #highanxiety #historyoftheworldpart1 #palmsprings #golftournament #losangelesdodgers #frostigschool #learningdisabilities #petermarshall #johnnycarson #timconway #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerchriskorman #themikewagnershowchriskorman