
Dennis William Hauck


with author and researcher Dennis William Hauck

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66 episodes

The Monad in Science

Modern scientists use the term “singularity” rather than "monad" when referring to monadic structures or events, although the word “monad” is still used when referring to the ontological and mathematical roots of science. As we shall see, that is historically how the idea of a monadic universe originated in science. Technically, a singularity is the point at which a mathematical function takes on an infinite value. In consciousness studies and psychology, it is the basic characteristic that defines consciousness. In astrophysics, it is a point of zero volume with infinite density and gravity. The Big Bang Theory postulates that our universe emerged from such a singularity and that before this event, space and time did not exist. That means the Big Bang itself took place at no place and no time, although by measuring the distance and velocities of expanding galaxies, the age of the universe has been calculated to be 13.77 billion years.

Mar 29, 2024
The Monad in Philosophy

We live out our lives in the Mind of the universe, and for thousands of years, philosophers, theologians, and scientists have called that unitary source of reality at the beginning of time—the Monad. In philosophy, it’s the etheric Substance at the root of both mind and matter. For theologians, the Monad is the logos or Word of God. In science, it’s the Big Bang singularity from which the physical universe emerged. In mathematics, the Monad is defined as the zero-point origin of all numbers. In your life, the Monad is the singularity in your own consciousness, the point of view from which you experience the world. The commonplace experience of being a single point of awareness in your own mind—of being impeccably whole in your own little world—is a reflection of the Monad in you. This is Chapter 2 of the book In the Mind of the Universe: The Monad and You! by Dennis William Hauck. Read by Peter Simmons. More information on Amazon at

1h 56m
Mar 21, 2024
In the Mind of the Universe - Part 1

In your life, the Monad is the singularity in your own consciousness, the point of awareness from which you experience the world. You are conscious because the universe is conscious, and the commonplace experience of being a single point of awareness in your own mind—of living in your own little world—is a reflection of the Greater Monad in you. Traditionally, the Greater Monad is the indivisible single source of reality. In science, it’s the Big Bang singularity from which the universe emerged. In mathematics, the Monad is defined as the zero-point origin of all numbers. For theologians, the Monad is the logos or Word of God. In philosophy, it’s the basic Substance at the root of both mind and matter. This selection is from my new book, "In the Mind of the Universe: The Monad and You!" available from   

1h 16m
Feb 04, 2024
Circulation of the Light Meditation

This is a new version of a guided meditation with Dennis William Hauck on the Circulation of the Light from the Taoist alchemy tradition. It includes meditation music based on a mathematical algorithm of the original Phoenician language of the Emerald Tablet. This is one of the most powerful meditations in alchemy and is practiced around the world by those seeking personal transformation.  

1h 11m
May 15, 2023
Alchemy Meditation

This is a new version of guided alchemical meditations with Dennis William Hauck. It includes meditation music based on an algorithm of the original Phoenician language of the Emerald Tablet.  

1h 19m
May 15, 2023
Consciousness and Our Image of Reality

The source of consciousness is the One Mind of the universe which is also called the Monad in philosophy, mathematics, and modern science. What is the relationship of our minds to the monadic universe in which we find ourselves? Our minds interpret reality to construct an image of physicality that we can understand and work with.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
Freedom of Consciousness!

Beyond freedom of speech is the freedom to have your own thoughts without others’ impressions or opinions – without the dogma of education, politics, or religion. This is the freedom to explore reality in whatever direction your spirit and intuition guide you – to be totally free in your own consciousness.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
The Limits of Knowledge

Sometimes when we are talking about consciousness in the universe and things like the Observer Effect in Quantum Physics, there arises the temptation to think that our consciousness is somehow as powerful as the source of creation and that we can eventually know everything. That kind of hubris is very dangerous because it denies the Mystery of creation. As Kurt Gödel proved, there will never be a complete and consistent description of the universe using mathematical logic. Plus, as researchers in Quantum Physics have discovered, there seems to be a trickster intelligence waiting for us if we get too close to complete knowledge.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
Living in a Monadic Universe

How to live in a monadic universe and stay true to both the cosmic archetypes embedded in Nature and the shining Self fighting to survive in your inner being (or Personal Monad).   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
Monadic Experiences

A scientific examination of personal experiences of Oneness and divine union.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
Mysteries of Consciousness

The nature of consciousness and its place in the universe is a question that has been pondered by great thinkers for millennia. Yet today scientists are drawing closer than ever to solving it -- and the solution is not like anything we ever expected.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
Observing Your Own Consciousness

You'd be surprised at the personal and universal truths you can learn just by observing your own consciousness from an objective viewpoint.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023

The curious phenomenon of the life of lies on social media and mythic visions that take on a reality of their own. It has been dubbed "synchromythism" by researcher Dennis William Hauck.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
The Consciousness Revolution

We are on the verge of a revolution in consciousness. We are gaining deeper understanding of how consciousness affects our physical and mental worlds on the quantum level. We are also becoming aware of the growing threats of artificial intelligence and the possibility of machines becoming conscious.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
The Field of Awareness

All sentient beings share a field of awareness, a consciousness that permeates the universe.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
The Ghost in the Machine

What is the source of your mind? Where is your soul? As we face the emerging challenges of artificial intelligence, these are the kinds of questions being asked by philosophers and scientists. Can we find the answers we are searching for in the new discipline of Consciousness Studies?   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
The Light of the True Imagination

The mind's eye can be deceived and lost in fantasy or lies, yet there is a deeper vision connected to the source of reality that never errors. It has been called the "True Imagination." Watch video at  

Apr 20, 2023
The Monadic Substance

Is consciousness a physical process or a immaterial mental phenomena? Philosophers and scientists have been arguing that for centuries, but in the 20th century a new paradigm arose in which a third "substance" or primal ground is the source of both the physical and mental aspects of consciousness.   Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
The Sword of Insurgent Light

The shining light of consciousness within each of us -- no matter how dim or hidden -- can become a Sword to cut through the lies and support structures in an imperfect world. Each of us must fight for the Light that originates in the Monad and is holding back the darkness. It is reflected in each of us -- a pure light of clarity and direction that is the only inner or outer truth there is.   Visit  Watch video at  

Apr 20, 2023
Value and Meaning in the Universe

Is it our purpose to bring meaning to the universe? Many noted physicists and biologists believe that bringing value and meaning to the cosmos through our consciousness is the reason we are here. Visit    Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
What Is the Monad?

A short discussion on the history and meaning of the concept of the Monad. Visit  Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
Where Does Consciousness Come From?

Where does our conscious awareness originate? According to the panpsychism theory, consciousness is everywhere in the universe. Everything from stars to rocks have some level of consciousness, but it focuses in the minds of sentient beings. From its source in the greater Monad, the light of consciousness is reflected in each of us like the shining gems of Indra’s Net.   Visit  Watch video at

Apr 20, 2023
Zero Ontology

The Principle of Zero Ontology in physics states that all parameters of energy and matter cancel each other out and add up to zero. And in mathematics, Zero is the Monad, the source of all numbers (positive and negative). The Zero state in cosmogony is the Big Bang, and the Nothingness of Zero space has almost unlimited energy potential in Quantum Physics. Zero is a concept that leads to many mysteries. Visit  Watch video at  

Apr 20, 2023
Quietist Meditation Session

Several people have asked for a dedicated file on just the Quietist Mediation from the previous podcast to use in guided meditation. I have done that and uploaded as a new file. Thanks for listening!

Jan 07, 2023
Seeking the Cosmic Quintessence in Meditation

This podcast is from the current edition of the Rosicrucian Digest, and it features two meditations used by the alchemists in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. You can download the print article (pdf)  from:

Jan 07, 2023
The Monad Manifesto

The Monad Manifesto is a call to clarity and action in response to new discoveries about the nature of consciousness and the looming confrontation between mind and machine. As scientists probe deeper into the nature of reality, they are finding that consciousness is at the root of everything. What we believed were the laws of physics and matter are really the archetypal laws of mind. The condensation of consciousness and information that created our universe originated from a dimensionless point in the void known in physics as the “Singularity” and in mathematics and philosophy as the “Monad.” This is Chapter 1 from Dennis William Hauck's The Monad Manifesto: Merging Science and Spirituality; narrated by Stacy Carolan. (More info at

1h 40m
May 28, 2022
The Monad Manifesto

What we believed were the laws of physics and matter are really the archetypal laws of mind, and the condensation of consciousness that created our universe originated from a dimensionless point in the void known in physics as the “Singularity” and in mathematics and philosophy as the “Monad. In philosophy, the Monad is the is the indivisible source that created our reality. In mathematics, it is the origin of all numbers and geometry that describe Nature. In science, the Monad is the Big Bang explosion of consciousness, which physicist Erwin Schrödinger described as “a singularity phasing within all beings.” This podcast covers "The Monad Manifesto," which is chapter 1 of The Monad Manifesto: An Existential Survival Guide (2022) by Dennis William Hauck. Read by Zira DV.

1h 40m
Jan 24, 2022
Becoming One - The Sacred Marriage

This musical meditation is a creative response to the writings of Dennis William Hauck which have impacted my life in ways I have not yet fully realized. My inspired thoughts guided this effort, but the music was born in the mystery of the sacred marriage of the Sun and Moon within me. Their chaotic, unfathomable union caused the heavens to darken during my recording and then burst forth in a long, violent thunderstorm, which I also recorded. As Below, so Above. – John Schaffenberger. (Lyrics by Neil Bethell Sinclair; cover art by Rebecca Chaperon)

Jan 29, 2020
Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

Dennis William Hauck presents a penetrating discussion of the origins and power of the ancient teachings of Hermes and how they evolved in alchemy, literature, religion, and science. Topics include the Emerald Tablet, the history of Balinas (Apollonius of Tyana), the seven operations and the Emerald Formula, the planetary archetypes, personal transformation, and Jungian psychology. There is also an extremely powerful 'interview" with Thoth in which he explains the nature of the universe. 

Feb 07, 2019