Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition

Dr. Jockers


Join Dr. David Jockers DNM, DC, MS, doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist and corrective care chiropractor as he shares science-based solutions to improve your health.
Dr. Jockers' work has been published in various popular media outlets including ABC, Fox News, The Hallmark Channel – Home and Family and the Dr. Oz Show.

On this podcast, Dr. Jockers shares his best advice and strategies on weight loss, brain health, functional exercise, natural detoxification and disease prevention, gut health, autoimmune disease and much more. To learn more about Dr. Jockers and access free health and nutrition resources go to drjockers.com.

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426 episodes

Top 10 Immune Nutrients to Prevent Illness

In this episode of the Dr. Jockers functional nutrition podcast, Dr. Jockers delves into the top 10 nutrients essential for a balanced immune system, emphasizing the need for an immune system that isn't too active or underactive.    He explains how these nutrients, including vitamins A, D, and C, zinc, selenium, and others, support immune balance, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall health. Dr. Jockers advocates for a balanced diet and supplementation to prevent illness and maintain optimal health. In This Episode:  __ __   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.   Your liver can wear down over time, though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.    Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.    When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     Did you know that Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required? So while Zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it!    Our friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body!   With just 1 tablespoon a day, you can boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce inflammation, and regulate your hormones! The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     “VITAMIN D IS SUPER KEY FOR BALANCING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM WITHOUT OPTIMAL VITAMIN D LEVELS, OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM IS LIKE RUNNING AROUND WITH A BLINDFOLD ON ANYTHING" - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __       CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Mar 28
Neuroplasticity and Healing from Brain Inflammation with Dr Peter Kan

In this episode of the Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast, Dr. Jockers welcomes repeat guest Dr. Peter Kan, an expert in integrative and functional medicine, to dive into the symptoms, root causes, and consequences of brain inflammation.    They explore the linkage between gut health and brain function, common symptoms of brain inflammation such as fatigue and brain fog, and the role of the gut-brain and brain-gut axes in overall health. Dr. Kan elaborates on autoimmunity's impact on the brain, the importance of addressing foundational health issues (like blood sugar and oxygenation), and key supplements that can aid in reducing brain inflammation, highlighting Omega-3 fatty acids, glutathione, vitamin D, turmeric, and resveratrol.    The discussion also covers the concepts of neuroplasticity and the importance of lifestyle factors like diet and exercise in maintaining a healthy brain. Dr. Jockers emphasizes the potential for brain healing and improvement in quality of life regardless of the starting point.   In This Episode: - Diving Deep into Brain Inflammation with Dr. Peter Kan - Understanding Brain Inflammation: Symptoms, Causes, and Effects - Exploring the Root Causes of Brain Inflammation - The Gut-Brain Connection: How Gut Health Influences Brain Inflammation - Autoimmunity and Brain Inflammation: Unveiling the Link - Understanding Oral Tolerance and Autoimmunity - The Brain's Role in Autoimmunity and Inflammation - The Path to Neurological Autoimmunity and Its Consequences - Exploring Neuroplasticity and Strategies for Brain Health - Roadmap to Reducing Brain Inflammation and Supporting Neuroplasticity - Supplements for Reducing Brain Inflammation - Closing Thoughts: Foundations for Brain Health This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!     Have you heard of Paleovalley's amazing Turmeric Complex? It contains whole food and organic turmeric instead of just isolated curcumin.    And we know that organic turmeric is way better, and one of the best things you can take to shut down inflammation in the body and support healthy blood flow and blood pressure.    It also includes coconut oil and black pepper as its ingredients, which has been shown to improve the absorption of turmeric by 2000%! Plus, there’s also organic ginger, rosemary, and cloves which synergize with the turmeric to help improve digestion and blood sugar.   Paleovalley's Turmeric Complex also supports joint health, mental clarity, and improved brain function. You’ve just got to try this product. Visit paleovalley.com/jockers!   “INFLAMMATION IS A NATURAL RESPONSE. IT'S AN IMMUNE RESPONSE THAT YOUR BODY USES TO EITHER TRY TO GET RID OF A PATHOGEN OR TRY TO CLEAR UP CELLULAR DEBRIS" - DR. JOCKERS   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. KAN: - Website - https://askdrkan.com/   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Mar 26
The Truth About Female Hair Loss

In this episode, Dr. David Jockers explores the truth about female hair loss, highlighting its root causes such as hormone imbalances, autoimmunity, and thyroid issues. He dives into nutritional factors that influence hair health, including the importance of adequate protein intake, zinc, iron, B vitamins, vitamin D, selenium, iodine, antioxidants, and omega-3s.   Dr. Jockers also discusses potential dietary triggers like food sensitivities and offers strategies for individuals to address and potentially reverse hair loss through nutritional and lifestyle adjustments.   Finally, Dr. Jockers emphasizes the significance of understanding the interconnectedness of various bodily systems and how addressing underlying health issues can positively impact hair growth and overall well-being. This comprehensive exploration provides valuable insights and practical guidance for individuals seeking to optimize their hair health and address any concerns related to hair loss.   In This Episode:  __ __   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.     Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.      Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.      When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     Did you know that Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required? So while Zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it!    Our friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body!   With just 1 tablespoon a day, you can boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce inflammation, and regulate your hormones! The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     “SOME WOMEN ARE DOING A LOT OF DIETING AND THEY'RE JUST NOT EATING ENOUGH FOOD. AND IN PARTICULAR, WHEN THEY EAT, THEY'RE NOT EATING ENOUGH PROTEIN." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __       CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Mar 21
My Daily Routine and My Top Strategies for Optimal Health (March Q & A)

In this episode of the Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition podcast, Dr.Jockers discusses the importance of reducing inflammation for overall health. He shares insights into his daily routine, emphasizing gratitude, hydration, quality nutrition, physical activity, sun exposure, positive relationships, stress reduction, and quality sleep as foundational pillars for thriving in life. The episode includes personal health practices, favorite supplements, and a detailed breakdown of Dr. Jockers' workout, diet, and sleep routine, offering listeners practical strategies for improving their health and quality of life. In This Episode:   __ __   This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!     Have you heard of Paleovalley's amazing Turmeric Complex? It contains whole food, organic turmeric instead of just isolated curcumin.    And we know that organic turmeric is way better, and one of the best things you can take to shut down inflammation in the body and support healthy blood flow and blood pressure.    It also includes coconut oil and black pepper as its ingredients, which has been shown to improve the absorption of turmeric by 2000%! Plus, there’s also organic ginger, rosemary, and cloves which synergize with the turmeric to help improve digestion and blood sugar.   Paleovalley's Turmeric Complex also supports joint health, mental clarity, and improved brain function. You’ve just got to try this product. Visit paleovalley.com/jockers!   “WE WANT A PURPOSE THAT'S GREATER THAN OURSELVES. YOU KNOW, I ALWAYS SAY YOU WANT A WHY THAT MAKES YOU CRY." - DR. JOCKERS   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __     CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Mar 19
How to Personalize Your Nutrition Plan for Metabolic Health

In this episode of the Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition podcast, Dr. Jockers is joined by Marcelle Pick at the Metabolic Dysfunction Summit. They discuss the pitfalls of processed foods and advocate for balanced plates rich in protein, healthy fats, and colorful produce. Dr. Jockers also explores the benefits of intermittent fasting, tailoring it to individual metabolic needs for improved metabolic flexibility, brain health, and inflammation reduction.  Additionally, the conversation stresses the importance of organic foods and minimizing toxin exposure for significant health improvements. This episode aims to guide listeners toward optimal health through practical dietary adjustments and lifestyle modifications.   In This Episode:  02:17 Insightful Interview with Marcelle Pick on Nutrition and Metabolic Health 04:15 Deep Dive into Metabolic Dysfunction and Solutions 20:41 The Power of Intermittent Fasting and Personalized Nutrition 28:36 Exploring the Impact of Diet on Metabolic Health 36:45 Closing Thoughts and How to Learn More   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.     Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula, you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.      Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.    When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!   Did you know that Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required? So while Zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it!      Our friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body!     With just 1 tablespoon a day, you can boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce inflammation, and regulate your hormones! The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today.   For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal, which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.   “WHEN WE HAVE BRAIN INFLAMMATION, WE END UP WITH HIGH GLUTAMATE, LOW GABA. AND WHAT DOES THAT RESULT IN? IRRITABILITY, IMPULSIVENESS, ANXIETY." - DR. JOCKERS   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH MARCELLE PICK: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Mar 14
Fatty Liver Disease: Root Causes and Healing Strategies with Dr. Holly Lucille

In this captivating episode of the Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition podcast, Dr. David Jockers explores the intricate world of liver health and its pivotal role in overall well-being. Say goodbye to dull monologues, because we're unraveling the mysteries behind those nagging symptoms like fatigue, mental fog, and pesky abdominal weight.   Joining the conversation is the esteemed Dr. Holly Lucille, offering invaluable insights into the complexities of fatty liver disease. She sheds light on its underlying causes, emphasizing that it's not merely about dietary choices but also intricate metabolic factors.   Rest assured, Dr. Jockers and Dr. Lucille deliver actionable strategies. From fine-tuning your diet to incorporating regular physical activity, their advice is grounded in practicality. And let's not overlook the potency of nature's remedies - think milk thistle and turmeric, potent allies in nurturing liver health.   In This Episode:  __ __   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.     Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula, you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.      Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.    When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     “YOUR GENETICS CAN LOAD THE GUN, BUT YOUR LIFESTYLE PULLS THE TRIGGER" - DR. HOLLY LUCILLE   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. HOLLY LUCILLE: Website - http://drhollylucille.com   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Mar 12
How Ketosis and Neurobics Impact Brain Health and BDNF Levels

In this episode of the Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast, Dr. David Jockers dives into the practical benefits of ketosis and how it supports the body's natural healing processes. He breaks down the significance of liver health and how ketones help to reduce inflammation and keep brain chemicals in balance.    Dr. Jockers also gives simple tips for managing your diet, emphasizing the importance of clean protein and healthy fats. He suggests incorporating resistance training and simple brain exercises to boost brain health.    Additionally, Dr. Jockers talks about the use of exogenous ketones to speed up the process of getting into ketosis. The episode wraps up with an interesting discussion on how Einstein's habits relate to modern neuroscience.   In This Episode:  __ __   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.   Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula, you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.    Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.    When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     Did you know that Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required? So while Zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it!    Our friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body!   With just 1 tablespoon a day, you can boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce inflammation, and regulate your hormones! The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal, which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     “KETONES THEMSELVES ARE A FUEL SOURCE FOR THE BRAIN CELLS." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. HEATHER SANDISON: Website - https://www.drheathersandison.com/   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Mar 07
Using Infrared Sauna Therapy to Reduce Inflammation and Detox with Connie Zack

In this episode of Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast, Dr. David Jockers and his guest Connie Zack, Co-owner of Sunlighten Saunas, introduce listeners to the benefits of infrared sauna therapy and light therapy. They explore the science behind these treatments with a focus on infrared light's ability to activate the body's self-healing mechanisms.   Infrared sauna therapy can improve cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, and help with detoxification, improving energy levels and mental clarity. Dr. Jockers also discusses the benefits of using different spectrums of light, like far-infrared, mid-infrared, and near-infrared, each of which penetrates the body at different depths and affects diverse biological processes.    Listener questions are answered, with details on choosing the best sauna and advice on making infrared therapy a consistent part of your health and wellness regime. In This Episode: * * * * * * * * * * * * __ __ * *   * * * * * * * * *   This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Are you seeking a natural solution to support your body's well-being? Look no further! Introducing Paleovalley's Turmeric Complex – a powerhouse blend designed to revitalize your health from within. Say goodbye to isolated curcumin and hello to the full-spectrum benefits of organic turmeric! Packed with nearly 300 beneficial components, our complex harnesses the potency of whole-food turmeric to combat inflammation, promote healthy blood flow, and support joint function. But that's not all! We've enhanced the formula with coconut oil and black pepper for optimal absorption – increasing the effectiveness of turmeric by 2000%! Plus, our blend features warming herbs like organic ginger, rosemary, and cloves, synergistically working with turmeric to boost brain function and maintain healthy inflammatory levels. Ready to experience the Paleovalley difference? Visit paleovalley.com/jockers today and save 15% on our Turmeric Complex and other exceptional products.   "WE REALLY WANT PEOPLE TO FEEL BETTER, AND SO WE'VE CREATED THIS PRODUCT SO THEY COULD FEEL BETTER AND DO MORE," ~ CONNIE ZACK   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __   CONNECT WITH CONNIE ZACK:  __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Mar 05
The Truth About Stevia and Infertility

Does stevia cause infertility? Dr. Jockers is doing an in-depth report on stevia and whether it’s beneficial to your health. Spoiler alert: Dr. Jockers and his wife use stevia and have had four kids and so Dr. Jockers doesn’t consider stevia to be a problem.   However, he is going over how people have come to question stevia and the links between the sweet sugar substitute and infertility. It all starts with a fascinating story of how the Mato-Grasso Indians in Paraguay first used stevia.   There’s also an in-depth article that accompanies this episode that you can find in the link below. Join Dr. Jockers as he looks at all the evidence and clinical studies done on stevia and presents a well-informed opinion. Please join us. In This Episode:  __ __   This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Have you heard of Paleovalley's amazing Turmeric Complex? It contains whole food, organic turmeric instead of just isolated curcumin.  And we know that organic turmeric is way better, and one of the best things you can take to shut down inflammation in the body and support healthy blood flow and blood pressure.  It also includes coconut oil and black pepper as its ingredients, which has been shown to improve the absorption of turmeric by 2000%! Plus, there’s also organic ginger, rosemary, and cloves which synergize with the turmeric to help improve digestion and blood sugar. Paleovalley's Turmeric Complex also supports joint health, mental clarity, and improved brain function. You’ve just got to try this product. Visit paleovalley.com/jockers!     “WHEN IT COMES TO ANY SORT OF HERB OR NATURAL COMPOUND, YOU CAN TAKE TOO MUCH." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Feb 29
Natural Solutions to Autoimmune Thyroid Problems with Dr Eric Osansky

What natural solutions are there for Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease? What are the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism, as well as the root cause factors?   Today's guest is the bestselling author of Natural Treatment Solutions for Hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease, Dr. Eric Osansky. Eric is also the host of the 'save my thyroid' podcast and he's a wealth of knowledge on this important subject.   When are conventional strategies recommended to combat hyperthyroidism and what natural strategies can we turn to for helping the body to heal and recover and function at its best?   What causes thyroid nodules? How can you tell if you have Graves' disease? And what are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism?   Dr. Jockers is doing what he does best: asking and answering questions about our health from a layman’s perspective that allow us to understand how we can get to the root cause of autoimmune conditions and live healthier lives. Please join us! In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!     Healthy blood sugar levels are extremely critical if you want to have great mental clarity, a healthy mood, and all-day energy. If you want to be a good fat burner, you’ve got to keep your blood sugar stable and you’ve got to keep your insulin levels balanced.  Research shows that if you take one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a meal, it lowers the glycemic impact of the meal (the blood sugar elevation) by up to 40% and it lowers the amount of insulin your body produces. This means you feel better as you have more energy after your meal and you can burn fat more effectively.  Paleovalley's Apple Cider Vinegar Complex is a great way to take apple cider vinegar without the nasty vinegar taste in your mouth. It has the recommended dosage of 1000mgs of ACV and added turmeric, ginger, lemon, and cinnamon – all enhancing digestive juice production so you can digest your meal more effectively and bring down inflammation in your body.  Enjoy Paleovalley’s Apple Cider Vinegar Complex when you visit paleovalley.com/jockers and say hello to increased energy and stable blood sugar   “A HEALTHY GUT IS NECESSARY FOR A HEALTHY IMMUNE SYSTEM AS MOST OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS ARE LOCATED IN THE GUT." - DR. ERIC OSANSKY   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __     CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Feb 27
How to Use Castor Oil for Skin, Hair, Liver and Lymphatic Health

Are you noticing bags under your eyes? Are you struggling with fatigue and digestive issues? Do you feel that you're not detoxifying regularly? Have you tried castor oil as part of your health regimen?    Dr. Jockers is applying a castor oil pack to our livers today as he expounds on the beneficial compounds in castor oil, and how you can use it to improve parts of the skin, open up your bile ducts, and support liver and gall bladder health.   Learn about ricinoleic acid, the unique fatty acid that gives castor oil its distinctive properties and benefits, and how to take castor oil orally or even apply it to your face for better eyebrow growth or skin care.    The benefits of castor oil await in this audio recording of a YouTube video that went viral. Castor oil is a hot topic - make sure you're up to speed! Please join us.   In This Episode:  __ __   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.     Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.      Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.      When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     Did you know that Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required? So while Zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it!    Our friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body!   With just 1 tablespoon a day, you can boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce inflammation, and regulate your hormones! The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     “CASTOR OIL CAN BE USED TO SUPPORT LYMPH DRAINAGE. IT HELPS DILATE (OPEN UP) BILE DUCTS, IT HELPS THIN THE BILE IN YOUR LIVER AS WELL AS IN YOUR GALL BLADDER - AND THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO ARE DEALING WITH VERY THICK AND ALSO CONGESTED BILE DUCTS." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __       CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Feb 22
Celebrating Ten Years of Functional Nutrition with Dr. Jockers and a Super Q&A

Happy ten-year anniversary Dr. Jockers! It's been a decade since our favorite functional nutritionist started drjockers.com and focused his efforts on producing quality health content for all!   Today he's reflecting on that journey, providing us with valuable insight into the WHY he does what he does. And why we are so grateful to be able to learn from him.    Not one to rest on his laurels for too long (or lie down on his grounding mat), he's also taking the time to answer some important listener questions.    What are anti-nutrients in vegetables? What happens when you develop dopamine resistance? What is earthing? And can food sensitivities cause insulin resistance?   The answers to these questions and more in a celebratory episode of Functional Nutrition that reminds us that wellness is well worth it! Please join us. In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!     Have you heard of Paleovalley's amazing Turmeric Complex? It contains whole food, organic turmeric instead of just isolated curcumin.  And we know that organic turmeric is way better, and one of the best things you can take to shut down inflammation in the body and support healthy blood flow and blood pressure.  It also includes coconut oil and black pepper as its ingredients, which has been shown to improve the absorption of turmeric by 2000%! Plus, there’s also organic ginger, rosemary, and cloves which synergize with the turmeric to help improve digestion and blood sugar. Paleovalley's Turmeric Complex also supports joint health, mental clarity, and improved brain function. You’ve just got to try this product. Visit paleovalley.com/jockers! https://paleovalley.com/jockers   “MY PASSION HAS BEEN TO REALLY TRY TO PROVIDE THE BEST NATURAL HEALTH INFORMATION. AND DO THAT IN A WAY THAT PROVIDES A GREAT LEARNING EXPERIENCE." - DR. JOCKERS   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __     CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Feb 20
The Truth About Sourdough Bread

Do you want to know the truth about sourdough bread? Is it healthy, is it gluten-free, and is it good for your gut?   Who should or shouldn't eat sourdough bread? What are postbiotics and how do they benefit our health? Like with most things, there's a level of personalization when it comes to sourdough bread and our nutrition – there is no 'one size fits all' approach.   In today's short and sweet episode (or should that be sour?), Dr. Jockers is providing us with valuable insight on how gluten stimulates the protein zonulin, driving up inflammation in our body. He's also educating us on the origins of fermented bread and whether or not it's right for you.    If you know of anyone making their own sourdough bread, please share this episode with them. We're sure they'll appreciate it. Thanks and let's go into the show!   In This Episode:  __ __   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.     Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.      Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.      When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     Did you know that Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required? So while Zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it!    Our friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body!   With just 1 tablespoon a day, you can boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce inflammation, and regulate your hormones! The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     “THERE'S ALSO GREAT POSTBIOTICS THAT ARE IN SOURDOUGH BREAD AS WELL THAT HELP WITH BLOOD SUGAR STABILIZATION." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __       CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Feb 15
Functional Nutrition Strategies for a 100-Year Heart with Dr Jack Wolfson

What would it look like for us to live to 100 with the same heart inside of us, beating away? Dr. Jack Wolfson is a natural heart doctor who helps people with blood pressure issues, cholesterol, and other cardiovascular conditions.     America's #1 Natural Heart Doctor, Dr. Wolfson is a board-certified cardiologist who prevents, treats, and reverses disease naturally, without Big Pharma medications or invasive surgical procedures.   Today he is sharing his profound wisdom on all things cardiovascular as he outlines the functional strategies you need for a 100-year heart.    Learn about the biomarkers for cardiovascular health, how to reverse coronary plaque, and what it means to eat, live, and even think well. This is a functional nutrition masterclass on how to give the body what it needs and take away what it doesn't. Please join us.   In This Episode:   __ __ his podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!     Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It's also really good for your skin - and for your energy! Paleovalley's Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact, it's made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!  Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley's Essential C Complex at paleovalley.com/jockers   “WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT THE HEART MUSCLE AND THE FACT THAT IT BEATS ON AVERAGE ABOUT 30 MILLION TIMES PER YEAR, AND THEN YOU EXTEND THAT OVER THE COURSE OF 100 YEARS, THAT COMES DOWN TO 3 BILLION HEART BEATS THAT SOMEONE COULD EXPERIENCE OVER THEIR LIFETIME." - DR. JACK WOLFSON   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __       CONNECT WITH DR. JACK WOLFSON: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Feb 13
Top Strategies to Stabilize Blood Sugar and Reduce Inflammation

How can we stabilize our blood sugar and reduce inflammation in the body? Dr. Peter Kan is interviewing Dr. Jockers in this episode Of Functional Nutrition which is all about the Key Strategies to Stabilize Blood Sugar and Reduce Inflammation.    Dr. Kan is a brilliant chiropractic neurologist and certified functional medicine practitioner — and host of the Auto Immunity Summit he’s invited our favorite Functional Nutritionist to speak at. And so today’s advice all comes with keeping the fight against auto-immunity in mind too.    Learn about the difference between hyper and hypoglycemic, Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 diabetes, as well as the impact that visceral fat has on our auto-immunity in another information-packed episode.   As always, the advice is palatable and not overwhelming, encouraging and practical. So if you’re looking to burn fat, balance your blood sugar, and reduce inflammation, and auto-immunity, then this podcast is for you. Reverse chronic disease in your body today! Please join us and help spread the word about the show!   In This Episode: __ __     Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.     Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.      Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.      When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     Did you know that Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required? So while Zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it!    Our friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body!   With just 1 tablespoon a day, you can boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce inflammation, and regulate your hormones! The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     “ONE OF THE KEY THINGS OUR BODY IS GOING TO NEED FOR ENERGY IS FUEL. AND GLUCOSE (OR BLOOD SUGAR) IS ONE OF THE MAIN FUEL SOURCES THAT OUR BODY USES FOR ENERGY. AND SO WE HAVE THIS TIGHT WINDOW: WE DON’T WANT TOO MUCH BLOOD SUGAR - OR TOO LITTLE." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. KAN: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Feb 08
The Vital Role of Magnesium in Cellular Health, Detox and Brain Function with Dr Carolyn Dean

Did you know that magnesium deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies in our society today? Dr. Jockers is addressing the vital role that it plays in maintaining our cellular health, as well as the benefits it has for detox as well as our brain function in today's super important – and highly informative – episode.   To help us unpack this subject, Dr. Jockers has enlisted the services of Dr. Carolyn Dean – naturopath, medical doctor, and bestselling author of 'The Magnesium Miracle'. Carolyn has spent her entire career helping her clients use the gifts of nature to help them feel better and find more energy. She’s way ahead of the game and has over 55 years of experience!   Learn how many other diagnoses could very well just be magnesium deficiency in disguise, as well as the Top 12 Reasons Why Magnesium is Critical for Your Health.    Discover how magnesium is key for mitochondrial function and integrity, as well as the importance of combining magnesium with other supplements. Manage your magnesium load with the right holistic approach. Improved brain health awaits with The Magnesium Miracle! Please join us.   In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It's also really good for your skin - and for your energy!   Paleovalley's Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact it's made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!    Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley's Essential C Complex at paleovalley.com/jockers    “MAGNESIUM! IT'S AN ELEMENT, IT'S A MINERAL, IT'S AN ELECTROLYTE. AND IT'S USED BY 80% OF KNOWN METABOLIC FUNCTIONS IN THE HUMAN BODY."  -DR. CAROLYN DEAN   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. CAROLYN DEAN: __ __ Connect with Dr. Jockers: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/

Feb 06
Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Eat

What are the top anti-inflammatory foods that you should be eating? Unless you happen to have an allergy to one of these foods, Dr. Jockers is recommending these as his Top 10 foods for robust and resilient health!   What is astaxanthin? What are examples of hydrating fruits? What is butyrate and why is it so good for you? Dr. Jockers is answering these questions and giving us a special home-cooked meal of nutritional information that can set you on your way to better health!   Blood sugar stability, lean body mass, and all-day energy await you if you consume these awesome foods.    Please join us and help spread the word about the show!    In This Episode:   __ __ Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.     Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.      Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.      When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     Did you know that Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required? So while Zinc is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it!    Our friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body!   With just 1 tablespoon a day, you can boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce inflammation, and regulate your hormones! The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     “WE KNOW THAT THE FOOD WE CAN EAT CAN BE YOUR SLOWEST FORM OF POISON – OR YOUR BODY'S NATURAL MEDICINE." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Feb 01
The Important Role of Nitric Oxide in Cardio, Brain and Hormonal Health with Beth Shirley

What is nitric oxide and how important is its production in order for us to stay healthy? Very important, as it turns out. Here today to share on the critical role that nitric oxide plays in our cardio, brain, and hormonal health is Beth Shirley.   Beth Shirley is a registered pharmacist, certified clinical nutritionist and one of the premier thought leaders on the importance of nitric oxide production in the body. Learn why mouthwash may be a bad idea for your mouth microbiome and the difference between nitrates and nitrites in today's hugely informative episode!   What are the symptoms that you're not producing enough nitric oxide?  What foods are high in nitrates? And what happens when we don't produce nitric oxide properly?    Beth Shirley and Dr. Jockers answer these questions - and more - in an episode that reminds us that nitric oxide production is the key ingredient for circulation, learning, memory, kidneys, getting your hormones started, healthy lungs, and healthy sex!    Trust us when we tell you this is one episode you won't want to miss!   In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It's also really good for your skin - and for your energy!   Paleovalley's Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact it's made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!    Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley's Essential C Complex at paleovalley.com/jockers    “NITRIC OXIDE IS JUST A MOLECULE OF NITROGEN AND A MOLECULE OF OXYGEN. BUT THIS MOLECULE TOUCHES EVERY SINGLE PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESS."  -BETH SHIRLEY   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __   CONNECT WITH BETH SHIRLEY: Website - https://functionalmedicinece.com/speaker/beth-shirley/ Connect with Dr. Jockers: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/

Jan 30
How to Build Muscle for Longevity

How do you build muscle for longevity? Welcome to the New Year and new health goals! Dr. Jockers is coming in strong with a powerful episode on what it takes to build muscle the right way.   Did you know that the overall muscle mass that you have is inversely correlated with the morbidity and mortality rate that you'll have? So the more muscle you have, the less chance that you will develop a chronic disease.   Lean body mass is super important! Whether you're young or old and looking to have healthy muscle so that you can look and feel great too, then Dr. Jockers's comprehensive guide on building healthy muscle mass is your next listen!   Learn about sarcopenia, myokines, and the difference between anabolic and catabolic modes to improve muscle mass in the long run.    Your health is a long game, so beware of the quick fixes and body-building advice. Dr. Jockers will spot you as you build muscle for longevity rather than just short-term gains! Please join us.   Please join us and please give us a five-star review if you find this episode to be of value. Thank you! In This Episode:   __ __ Many people around the world are deficient in this one crucial mineral and don't even realize it. In fact, it is the second-most abundant mineral in your body, every one of your cells contain it and need the mineral to function. But unfortunately, studies estimate that 1 in 4 people worldwide are deficient in it. I am talking about Zinc! Zinc is an essential mineral that your body doesn’t create or store, meaning daily intake is required. And my friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious Zinc that is a great way to boost your Zinc levels and ensure your body is getting this crucial mineral delivered to every cell in your body. With just 1tbsp a day, you can: - Boost your immune system - Improve your memory - Reduce inflammation - Regulate hormones And so much more. The best part? Purality Health's Zinc is one of the most easily absorbed oral forms available today. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money back guarantee. All you need to do is visit zincimmunity.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.   Did you know that there's an entire line of teas specifically formulated to enhance the benefits of fasting? It's called Pique Tea and it's the highest quality tea that's out there! It's extracted via cold brew crystallization that gently preserves active compounds at their maximum potential, with no prep or brewing needed!   Pique Tea is also 100% organic and triple toxin screened for pesticides, heavy metals, and toxic mold (really common in tea). Pique Tea is designed to shut down your appetite, reduce cravings, enhance the benefits of fasting, and support healthy weight management.   Check out their range of Fasting teas, featuring Matcha, Cinnamon, Ginger, and Bergamot Fasting tea crystals. These teas are also organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free!  For a limited time get up to 20% off plus two free gifts. Simply follow the link to piquelife.com/jockers to get 20% off your fasting teas!     “THE MORE MUSCLE YOU HAVE, THE BETTER YOUR BODY'S GOING TO BE AT BURNING FAT FOR FUEL." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Jan 25
Q & A on Healthy Weight Loss, Immune Nutrients, Infertility & Mold in the Sinuses

What is the best fat-burning plan to try out if you're looking for healthy weight loss? What is the protocol for getting mold out of the sinuses? What are the key nutrient deficiencies associated with the immune system?   So many good questions! You guessed it... coming in hot on the heels of our 400th episode comes Dr. Jockers' first Q&A of the year!   Learn about the key nutrients that you may be deficient in if you are struggling to get pregnant. And how to deal with an upper respiratory infection in a young child.    There's great advice on healthy ways to lose weight and fight the flu with the right nutritional supplements.    As always, Dr. Jockers provides a great holistic oversight in his answers to listener questions. So please stick around, we're sure that you'll learn something and enjoy this episode!     In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It's also really good for your skin - and for your energy!   Paleovalley's Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact it's made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!    Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley's Essential C Complex at paleovalley.com/jockers    “IF I'M GOING TO LOSE TEN POUNDS OVER THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS, THE FIRST THING I'M GOING TO DO IS A BLOOD SUGAR-STABILIZING NUTRITION PLAN."  -DR. DAVID JOCKERS   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __ __ __   Connect with Dr. Jockers: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/

Jan 23
Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Blood Sugar and Fat Burning

Are you feeling uninspired when it comes to healthy breakfast ideas? Look no further than today's episode of Functional Nutrition episode which will truly get you to 'rise and shine' with blood sugar improvement and fat-burning breakfast ideas!   Dr. Jockers is reminding us that breakfast (break the fast) can be done at any time that's right for your body. And that the days of ultra-processed cereals and sugary juices are a thing of the past!    Learn the difference between High Glycemic Index and High Glycemic Load, as well as how structured water can better hydrate your body in today’s inspiring episode.    There are healthy options out there as you get your recommended daily dosage of protein in your diet and mix things up with an inspired protein shake using your blender.    As always, Dr. Jockers is on the money at breakfast time – helping us burn that visceral fat, bring down inflammation in our body, and take better care of ourselves. Please join us.   Please join us and please give us a five star review if you find this episode to be of value. Thank you!   In This Episode:   __ __ Kick out toxins and boost your metabolism fast with the master of ALL antioxidants – GLUTATHIONE. When supplementing with high-quality glutathione… You will purge unhealthy toxins. You will lose weight with less effort. You will feel more energetic. You will notice a brighter complexion. And, you will feel much healthier overall!   But here's the thing, not all Glutathione supplements are created equal… If you’re taking Glutathione in capsule or tablet form, you are missing out on key nutrients as they will simply pass through your body without being absorbed (you can thank your stomach acid for that).   However, my friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious glutathione spray that delivers this powerful antioxidant straight to the areas of your body that need it most! Just pump a few sprays onto your tongue and watch as toxins naturally purge from your body.   The best part? You can experience these results in as little as 7 days. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit masterantioxidant.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     Did you know that there's an entire line of teas specifically formulated to enhance the benefits of fasting? It's called Pique Tea and it's the highest quality tea that's out there! It's extracted via cold brew crystallization that gently preserves active compounds at their maximum potential, with no prep or brewing needed!   Pique Tea is also 100% organic and triple toxin screened for pesticides, heavy metals, and toxic mold (really common in tea). Pique Tea is designed to shut down your appetite, reduce cravings, enhance the benefits of fasting, and support healthy weight management.   Check out their range of Fasting teas, featuring Matcha, Cinnamon, Ginger, and Bergamot Fasting tea crystals. These teas are also organic, non-GMO, and gluten free!  For a limited time get up to 20% off plus two free gifts. Simply follow the link to piquelife.com/jockers to get 20% off your fasting teas!     “THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HIGH GLYCEMIC INDEX AND HIGH GLYCEMIC LOAD." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Jan 18
The Surprising Truth About Acne, Inflammation, and Healthy Skin with Maria Marlowe

What are the root causes of acne? And why is the gut-brain-skin connection so important? Today's episode covers the best strategies you can take to have healthy, glowing skin.    To provide insight into this important topic is Maria Marlowe, a certified nutritionist specializing in acne and the founder of Kuma, a skincare company that is on a mission to revolutionize how we think about skincare from outside only to inside out.    In this episode, Maria and Dr. Jockers debunk some important social myths about acne as well as provide suggestions on diet and lifestyle changes you can make to have healthier skin.    Learn how to clear your skin and optimize your diet with 'The Acne Nutritionist', who has helped thousands of people clear their skin naturally.    If you're ready to clear your skin, calm your mind, heal your gut, and improve your health, you've come to the right place for an important conversation about skincare that is ultimately about personal care and well-being too!    Lastly, Happy 400th Episode of Functional Nutrition to our much-appreciated community!   In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It's also really good for your skin - and for your energy!   Paleovalley's Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact it's made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!    Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley's Essential C Complex at paleovalley.com/jockers    “ACNE IS ACTUALLY CLASSIFIED AS A CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY SKIN DISORDER. IT'S NOT A BACTERIAL INFECTION. EVERYONE THINKS IT'S CAUSED BY BACTERIA - IT'S NOT."  -MARIA MARLOWE   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __ Connect with MARIA MARLOWE: __ __ Connect with Dr. Jockers: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/

Jan 16
My Personal Story and Advanced Fasting Strategies to Reduce Inflammation

How can you get into intermittent fasting as a strategy to deal with inflammation in your body? Dr. Jockers is being interviewed by his friend Dr. Eric Osansky today in another fascinating deep dive into how we can use fasting to reset our gut microbiome.    Dr. Eric Osansky is the author of 'Natural Treatment Solutions for Hyperthyroidism and Graves' as well as a podcast called 'Save My Thyroid' that you guys should definitely check out.    In this episode he also asks me a lot about Dr. Jockers’ personal story, the health challenges that he experienced earlier in his life, and how he overcame them.    It's always a pleasure hearing Dr. Jockers share his fasting strategies and helping a new audience understand how beneficial autophagy and mitophagy can be as we create stress-resilient mitochondria and thrive as we age. This episode also focuses on fasting as it relates to hypothyroidism.    Please join us and please give us a five star review if you find this episode to be of value. Thank you!   In This Episode:   __ __ Kick out toxins and boost your metabolism fast with the master of ALL antioxidants – GLUTATHIONE. When supplementing with high-quality glutathione… You will purge unhealthy toxins. You will lose weight with less effort. You will feel more energetic. You will notice a brighter complexion. And, you will feel much healthier overall!   But here's the thing, not all Glutathione supplements are created equal… If you’re taking Glutathione in capsule or tablet form, you are missing out on key nutrients as they will simply pass through your body without being absorbed (you can thank your stomach acid for that).   However, my friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious glutathione spray that delivers this powerful antioxidant straight to the areas of your body that need it most! Just pump a few sprays onto your tongue and watch as toxins naturally purge from your body.   The best part? You can experience these results in as little as 7 days. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit masterantioxidant.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     Did you know that there's an entire line of teas specifically formulated to enhance the benefits of fasting? It's called Pique Tea and it's the highest quality tea that's out there! It's extracted via cold brew crystallization that gently preserves active compounds at their maximum potential, with no prep or brewing needed!   Pique Tea is also 100% organic and triple toxin screened for pesticides, heavy metals, and toxic mold (really common in tea). Pique Tea is designed to shut down your appetite, reduce cravings, enhance the benefits of fasting, and support healthy weight management.   Check out their range of Fasting teas, featuring Matcha, Cinnamon, Ginger, and Bergamot Fasting tea crystals. These teas are also organic, non-GMO, and gluten free!  For a limited time get up to 20% off plus two free gifts. Simply follow the link to piquelife.com/jockers to get 20% off your fasting teas!     “THE MORE THAT WE CAN CREATE THAT HEALTHY, BALANCED, DIVERSE MICROBIOME, THE BETTER. AND INTERMITTENT FASTING IS ONE OF THE CORE STRATEGIES TO HELP OPTIMISE THE DIVERSITY OF THE MICROBIOME." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. ERIC OSANSKY: __ __ CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Jan 11
Blood Sugar, Insulin and Chronic Inflammation with Dr. Brian Mowll

How do you reduce inflammation in your body and help it heal better? Today’s episode covers everything you need to know about blood sugar, diabetes, pre-diabetes, and chronic inflammation.    To unpack these important topics is Dr. Brian Mowll,  the founder and medical director of SweetLife® Diabetes Health Centers who serves clients worldwide as The Diabetes Coach™. Dr. Mowll helps people with all forms of diabetes properly manage their complex health conditions.    What is blood sugar? What is hypoglycemia? What can happen in our body when we have low blood sugar – or when it gets too high? What are AGEs and how can someone develop insulin resistance?   Dr. Mowll answers these questions – and more – in a fascinating oversight of blood sugar, insulin, and insulin resistance that will surely appeal to anyone struggling with diabetes or chronic inflammation.    If you know of someone struggling with inflammation, please share this episode with them as we believe that this content has the power to change lives! Please join us.   In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It's also really good for your skin - and for your energy!   Paleovalley's Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact it's made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!    Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley's Essential C Complex at paleovalley.com/jockers    “WHEN WE LOOK AT THE BLOOD SUGAR IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT IS OUR MOST READILY AVAILABLE SOURCE OF GLUCOSE TO BURN FOR FUEL." -DR. BRIAN MOWLL   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __ Connect with DR. BRIAN MOWLL: __ __ Connect with Dr. Jockers: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/

1h 3m
Jan 09
The Truth About Popular Weight Loss Drugs Like Ozempic

Are these new weight loss drugs that are on the market (and seem to be taking the world by storm) all that good for you?    A lot of celebrities and social media influencers are sharing their amazing results after taking weight loos drugs (like Ozempic). This got Dr. Jockers intrigued to learn more. And he's here today to share his findings!   How do these miracle weight loss drugs actually work? Dr. Jockers goes into the physiology as well as the side effects. Learn about how semaglutide medication can give you nausea and other digestive symptoms.    If you're taking this medication long-term, there are other side effects you seriously need to consider too! Make the best informed decision possible by learning from the best functional nutrionist around as Dr. Jockers proves a balanced view on semaglutide medications.    Please join us and please also share this information with someone you think may need it. Thank you.   In This Episode:   __ __ Kick out toxins and boost your metabolism fast with the master of ALL antioxidants – GLUTATHIONE. When supplementing with high-quality glutathione… You will purge unhealthy toxins. You will lose weight with less effort. You will feel more energetic. You will notice a brighter complexion. And, you will feel much healthier overall!   But here's the thing, not all Glutathione supplements are created equal… If you’re taking Glutathione in capsule or tablet form, you are missing out on key nutrients as they will simply pass through your body without being absorbed (you can thank your stomach acid for that).   However, my friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious glutathione spray that delivers this powerful antioxidant straight to the areas of your body that need it most! Just pump a few sprays onto your tongue and watch as toxins naturally purge from your body.   The best part? You can experience these results in as little as 7 days. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit masterantioxidant.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     Did you know that there's an entire line of teas specifically formulated to enhance the benefits of fasting? It's called Pique Tea and it's the highest quality tea that's out there! It's extracted via cold brew crystallization that gently preserves active compounds at their maximum potential, with no prep or brewing needed!   Pique Tea is also 100% organic and triple toxin screened for pesticides, heavy metals, and toxic mold (really common in tea). Pique Tea is designed to shut down your appetite, reduce cravings, enhance the benefits of fasting, and support healthy weight management.   Check out their range of Fasting teas, featuring Matcha, Cinnamon, Ginger, and Bergamot Fasting tea crystals. These teas are also organic, non-GMO, and gluten free!  For a limited time get up to 20% off plus two free gifts. Simply follow the link to piquelife.com/jockers to get 20% off your fasting teas!     “THERE'S NO MIRACLE DRUG OUT THERE. SO ANY DRUG YOU'RE GONNA TAKE IS GONNA HAVE SIDE EFFECTS." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Jan 04
Glyphosate, Dysbiosis, Galectin-3, Leaky Gut and Inflammation with Dr. Isaac Eliaz

How do pesticides and herbicides impact our gut health? Here to discuss leaky gut and inflammation is a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, Dr. Isaac Eliaz.   Dr. Isaac Eliaz is not only an integrative medical doctor, he's also a licensed acupuncturist, researcher, product formulator, and expert on detoxification.    Have you heard about Galectin-3, the 'survival protein' that increases bacterial imbalances and drives up other inflammatory proteins in the body?   Dr. Eliaz shares on this as well as some of his unique formulations for detoxifying glyphosate and supporting the healing of the gut wall. This is a fascinating episode as we learn about the worst toxins affecting our health today - and what we can do about it.    Please share this content with someone who may reap the benefits of learning more about leaky gut and inflammation. This information has the potential to change someone's life. Thank you!   In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It's also really good for your skin - and for your energy!   Paleovalley's Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact it's made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!    Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley's Essential C Complex at paleovalley.com/jockers    “IF YOU LOOK AT PESTICIDES: THEY ARE MADE IN VERY TOXIC SOLUTIONS. 'SOUPS' THAT ARE NOT REGULATED." -DR. ISAAC ELIAZ   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __ Connect with DR. ISAAC ELIAZ: __ __ Connect with Dr. Jockers: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/

Jan 02
5 "Healthy" Foods You Should Avoid

Before Dr. Jockers got into natural health, he used to think that these 5 foods were healthy and he used to eat a lot of them. In fact, they contained a lot of hidden processed sugars, chemicals, and seed oils that drive up inflammation!   Learn about how much sugar there is in a smoothie and why it's so harmful for your body to consume so much processed sugar. Why is organic Greek yogurt Dr. Jockers's preferred yogurt and why should you read the labels on your favorite protein bar before your next workout?   Do you really know what goes into a salad dressing at a restaurant? The concentrated seed oils in a lot of salad dressings are highly damaging for our bodies. So we really need to watch out for these cheap, damaged fats and oils!    Dr. Jockers's actual healthy alternatives are clearly outlined in this awesome and inspiring episode!   In This Episode:   __ __ Kick out toxins and boost your metabolism fast with the master of ALL antioxidants – GLUTATHIONE. When supplementing with high-quality glutathione… You will purge unhealthy toxins. You will lose weight with less effort. You will feel more energetic. You will notice a brighter complexion. And, you will feel much healthier overall!   But here's the thing, not all Glutathione supplements are created equal… If you’re taking Glutathione in capsule or tablet form, you are missing out on key nutrients as they will simply pass through your body without being absorbed (you can thank your stomach acid for that).   However, my friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious glutathione spray that delivers this powerful antioxidant straight to the areas of your body that need it most! Just pump a few sprays onto your tongue and watch as toxins naturally purge from your body.   The best part? You can experience these results in as little as 7 days. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit masterantioxidant.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     Say goodbye to toxins in your body! Today, we have a 30% OFF coupon for you!  Visit puralityhealth.com and use the coupon "DRJ" to access 30% OFF!   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.   Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.    Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.    When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     “THE AVERAGE SMOOTHIE (IF YOU GO INTO ANY SORT OF STORE OR ANY SORT OF SMOOTHIE PLACE), YOU'RE GETTING A SMOOTHIE THAT IS FULL OF SUGAR, OFTENTIMES VERY LITTLE PROTEIN, VERY LITTLE FAT. CERTAINLY NOT ENOUGH HEALTHY PROTEIN AND HEALTHY FAT TO HELP BALANCE YOUR BLOOD SUGAR.." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/  

Dec 28, 2023
Leaky Gut, Food Sensitivities and Autoimmune Disease with Dr Tiffany Caplan

We know that autoimmune diseases are skyrocketing (things like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, to name just two)! And so today's guest is thought leader Dr. Tiffany Caplan – here to talk about food sensitivities, leaky gut, and how they are related to the increase we're witnessing in autoimmune diseases.    Dr. Tiffany Caplan is a certified functional medicine practitioner who has experienced firsthand how lifestyle medicine can save a person's life. She is the best-selling author of 'The Lupus Solution' and the founder of the Caplan Health Institute for people with chronic illness who have the goal of achieving long-term remission.    Discover Dr. Caplan's relatable journey into functional medicine after struggling with brain fog. Learn what an autoimmune condition is, and why our immune system can start attacking our body.    Dr. Caplan outlines for us the nine primary drivers that are being identified in people with autoimmune conditions. And while there may be lots of different autoimmune conditions out there, there are most certainly some important commonalities causing the inflammation that we can begin to address.    Our understanding can start here in this impactful episode that gives a great overview of autoimmunity and how we can begin to address the root cause!    If you know of someone struggling with an autoimmune condition, please share this with them as this content can save a person's life! Thank you in advance.   In This Episode:   __ __ This podcast is sponsored by ShopC60.com. C60 is a powerful, Nobel Prize-winning antioxidant, that helps to optimize mitochondrial function, fights inflammation, and neutralizes toxic free radicals!   I’m a big fan of using C60 in conjunction with your keto and intermittent fasting lifestyle to support your immune system, help your body detox, and increase energy and mental clarity.    My favorite C60 products for Keto & IF lifestyles include C60 Purple Power in Organic MCT Coconut Oil (you can add this to your coffee) and their delicious Sugar-Free C60 Gummies (made with allulose and monk fruit)!   If you are over the age of 40, and you’d like to kick fatigue and brain fog to the curb this year, visit shopc60.com and use the coupon code “JOCKERS” for 15% OFF  and start taking back control over your health today!   Vitamin C is a critical compound when it comes to supporting the immune system. It's also really good for your skin - and for your energy!   Paleovalley's Essential C Complex is a really powerful, pure Vitamin C supplement. Unlike most Vitamin C supplements, it contains zero synthetic ingredients. In fact it's made from three of the most potent Vitamin C sources on Earth!    Get a stronger immune system, healthier skin, and more energy today! Check out Paleovalley's Essential C Complex at paleovalley.com/jockers    “FINDING OUT WHAT'S CAUSING THE INFLAMMATION, WHAT'S CAUSING THE STRESS IS REALLY THE KEY TO RESOLVING IT (THE AUTOIMMUNE CONDITION). AND GETTING INTO REMISSION. MAKING SURE THAT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM CAN CALM DOWN AND HEAL" -DR. TIFFANY CAPLAN   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __ Connect with DR. TIFFANY CAPLAN: __ __ Connect with Dr. Jockers: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/

Dec 26, 2023
Using Advanced Nutrition Strategies to Reduce Inflammation and Pain

Jane Hogan from the 'Wellness By Design' podcast is interviewing Dr. Jockers today and he's sharing with us his Advanced Nutrition Strategies to Reduce Inflammation and Pain.    Autophagy, fasting, and balancing neurotransmitters in the brain are all covered by our favorite Functional Nutrionist!   Learn Dr. Jockers's journey of becoming 'grain free' at a time when it was a totally new concept, and how Dr. Jockers started intermittent fasting before he knew it's name.    There are insights galore into how Dr. Jockers took an inventory of his life when he was diagnosed with skin cancer and realized that his life was being driven by fear. For fans of the show, this is a great 'origin story' episode that quickly becomes a fun, fact-filled audio adventure on all things nutrition!   Understand insulin resistance and how insulin drives up inflammation in our body. Why is it important to monitor your blood sugar levels? And what is apoptosis? The answers to these questions (and more) are inside!   If you know anyone who's having trouble losing weight, struggling with chronic pain, or dealing with insulin resistance, then this episode is for them. Please do share as you never know when the information that Dr. Jockers covers could find new ears and change someone's life!   In This Episode:   __ __ Kick out toxins and boost your metabolism fast with the master of ALL antioxidants – GLUTATHIONE. When supplementing with high-quality glutathione… You will purge unhealthy toxins. You will lose weight with less effort. You will feel more energetic. You will notice a brighter complexion. And, you will feel much healthier overall!   But here's the thing, not all Glutathione supplements are created equal… If you’re taking Glutathione in capsule or tablet form, you are missing out on key nutrients as they will simply pass through your body without being absorbed (you can thank your stomach acid for that).   However, my friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious glutathione spray that delivers this powerful antioxidant straight to the areas of your body that need it most! Just pump a few sprays onto your tongue and watch as toxins naturally purge from your body.   The best part? You can experience these results in as little as 7 days. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit masterantioxidant.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.     Say goodbye to toxins in your body! Today, we have a 30% OFF coupon for you!  Visit puralityhealth.com and use the coupon "DRJ" to access 30% OFF!   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.   Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.    Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.    When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!     “AUTOPHAGY IS THIS INNATE INTELLIGENCE-DRIVEN SYSTEM WHERE THE CELLS WILL ACTUALLY SCAVENGE OLDER, DAMAGED CELLULAR ORGANELLES." - DR. JOCKERS.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   Resources: __ __   CONNECT WITH DR. JOCKERS: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/ N 

Dec 21, 2023
Amino Acids for Anxiety, Addictions and Leaky Gut with Trudy Scott

Are you dealing with anxiety? Or perhaps you know a family member who is struggling with it? Anxiety is certainly on the rise in our society and today Dr. Jockers has sought the guidance of a firm show favorite, Trudy Scott, to shed some light on the role that amino acids can play in alleviating symptoms of anxiety as well as addiction.    Trudy Scott is author of ‘The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution’ and a verified 'food mood' expert. If you have the chance, do yourself a favor and go back and listen to episode #298 where Trudy first introduces the Functional Nutrition community to using amino acids to help with anxiety.     The good news is that there ARE nutritiional solutions to dealing with anxiety and addiction. In today's episode we learn all about tryptophan (an essential amino acid), 5-HTP, as well as GABA to support our brain health, and  the role that leaky gut plays in increasing our anxiety and fueling our addictions. Leaky gut equals leaky brain!    Trudy has been able to eliminate her anxiety and panic attacks using a nutritional-based approach and she's here to show us all how to as well in this informative episode that is one you're definitely going to want to share with your friends and family! Please join us.   In This Episode:   __ __ Kick out toxins and boost your metabolism fast with the master of ALL antioxidants – GLUTATHIONE. When supplementing with high-quality glutathione… You will purge unhealthy toxins. You will lose weight with less effort. You will feel more energetic. You will notice a brighter complexion. And, you will feel much healthier overall!   But here's the thing, not all Glutathione supplements are created equal… If you’re taking Glutathione in capsule or tablet form, you are missing out on key nutrients as they will simply pass through your body without being absorbed (you can thank your stomach acid for that).   However, my friends over at Purality Health have a NEW rapid-absorbing, delicious glutathione spray that delivers this powerful antioxidant straight to the areas of your body that need it most! Just pump a few sprays onto your tongue and watch as toxins naturally purge from your body.   The best part? You can experience these results in as little as 7 days. For a limited time, they are offering a special buy one get one free deal which is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. All you need to do is visit masterantioxidant.com/drj to access this exclusive deal.   Say goodbye to toxins in your body! Today, we have a 30% OFF coupon for you!  Visit puralityhealth.com and use the coupon "DRJ" to access 30% OFF!   Are you struggling with low energy, brain fog, or unexplained belly fat? The problem could be your liver. Your liver is the foundation for good health, performing over 500 functions, from breaking down toxins and nutrients to keeping your cholesterol in check.   Your liver can wear down over time though, but thanks to Liver Health Formula you need never worry about energy crashes, belly fat, and concentration concerns again! Liver Health Formula contains 11 powerful herbs (such as milk thistle) that rejuvenate and recharge your liver.    Liver Health Formula also protects against fatty liver, a silent epidemic affecting 100 million Americans.    When you try Liver Health Formula, you'll also receive a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 to keep your heart and brain healthy today. What a great deal! Go to getliverhelp.com/jockers to receive your Liver Health Formula and get a free bottle of Nano Powered Omega 3 today!  “WHEN WE HEAR 'LEAKY GUT', WE ALSO THINK THAT THERE'S VERY LIKELY LEAKY BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER. SO THAT MEANS TOXINS CAN ENTER THE BRAIN AND CAUSE DAMAGE." - TRUDY SCOTT   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON: APPLE PODCAST STITCHER SPOTIFY PODBEAN  TUNEIN RADIO   RESOURCES: __ __ CONNECT WITH TRUDY SCOTT: __ __ Connect with Dr. Jockers: __ __ IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GUEST ON THE SHOW, WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! PLEASE CONTACT US HERE! - HTTPS://DRJOCKERS.COM/JOIN-US-DR-JOCKERS-FUNCTIONAL-NUTRITION-PODCAST/

Dec 19, 2023