Avoiding the SPAM Filter - Headlines (Part 1 of 2)
FEB 23, 2022
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If your emails are landing in the SPAM folder (like 16% of emails do) Houston, you've got a problem.


Because, if your emails are in SPAM your future customers aren't going to go hunting for them.


But did you know that your headlines could be a major culprit to why they are ending up there in the first place?


This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur show we are talking SPAM (and not the kind that comes in a can) but the kind that can ruin your email marketing before you even have a chance to get started.


#1 - Avoid using SPAM trigger words. 

Say what?  There are actually words that trigger the SPAM filter?  Yep and because some of them are slippery like ice in a windstorm, I've put together an alphabetical resource that you can grab for free at alisaconner.com/350words. Google is the absolute worst when it comes to sending stuff to SPAM, so avoiding the words on this list will help you a WHOLE lot.


#2 - Train your subscribers. 

During this week's show, I share some specific pointers on training your subscribers the minute after they have completed your opt-in form.  Major hint --->>> it's your thank you page.  There are some specific things you can add to your thank you page to build trust and communicate with your new email besties.  You may be saying, I don't have a thank you page Alisa, now what?  No worries, I've got you covered.  Tune into this week's show for the scoop on how to make this happen.

#3 - Deliver REALLY good content.

You may have noticed that there are a lot more people on the interwebs these days.  Some are even creating content.  But most are creating crappy content.  Just to put it out there.  Unfortunately, this still crowds up the internet and can make it harder to stand out.  But, when you create REALLY good content, just like a banana split, people can't wait to devour it.  In fact, they are actually looking for your latest post.  In the episode, I give you a few examples of what not to do.  I also share quite a few examples over on LinkedIn.  If we haven't connected there, send me a note with your connection request.  You can find me here.

There's a bonus tip you can only grab if you tune into the episode.  Give it a listen here or watch the video here.

To power up your SPAM superpowers dive into this week's entire episode.  Catch all the show notes and links at alisaconner.com/130


Wondering which words to avoid in your email headlines?

Staying out of the SPAM folder can be a slippery slope!

This is the exact reason I created the 350 SPAM words to avoid cheatsheet.  

This free resource gives you a scalable list of words to avoid like Sun-In on a Brunette (read orange hair-blech!)  

Download your free copy of the SPAM Word Guide here:  alisaconner.com/350 words.


See you next week!


