Staying Top Of Mind and Increasing Sales With Email Marketing
MAR 09, 2022
Description Community

44% of people give up after one contact attempt when reaching out to a lead.

That's almost half of the people out there.

Nearly half of your competitors are stopping before they even get a foot in the door.

In fact, it can take up to 8 touchpoints to even get the first call with a potential customer.

That my friends is what we call GOOD news.  Why?

Because this is the EXACT reason email marketing is your ally when it comes to increasing sales in your business.

It is the perfect tool to keep you top of mind with your potential customers in a value-added way.

Yet, people steer away and aim toward the more inviting options like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok.

I'm not saying social media isn't important - but what is more important is people off of platforms you don't have any control over and into something you do, like your email list.

This week's podcast episode breaks down three steps to ensure you remain top of mind with your hottest prospects, as well as though who don't even know they need you yet.

Tune in to catch the entire show and find all the show notes here.






