Sword of the Spirit | A Palm Sunday Sermon
APR 01, 2024
Description Community

The story we’re about to examine today appears in all FOUR gospels, so we understand that the Lord puts a lot of emphasis on this wonderful story.

We’re going to examine some of it DOCTRINALLY, and then we’re gonna draw some practical applications from it. I think and I pray that they will be a blessing to you on this Palm Sunday.

So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday message.

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(00:34:50) The significance of the redemption of the firstling of an ass

(00:49:20) The symbolism of being tied to sin and the need for redemption

(00:50:06) The freedom found in Christ and the contrast with being tied to sin

(00:51:54) The importance of reading the Bible for freedom

(00:52:43) Different versions of the story in the gospels

(00:53:15) Dealing with objectors to the gospel

- Joe Russiello

- Claud Chereji


