How to Make High-Stakes Decisions In Leadership #104
MAR 05
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Welcome to Evolve Leadership Show, where we provide powerhouse success strategies to high-performers who believe in the importance of good leadership.

In this episode, Timm McLagan and Angus dive deep into the critical aspect of making high-stakes decisions under pressure. They explore the challenges leaders face when their choices could significantly impact their company's future, culture, and stakeholder expectations.

📖 In this episode:

We dive deep into the world of strategic storytelling with Jeff Bartsch, a renowned Hollywood storyteller and expert in elevating messaging to connect deeply with audiences. When sales numbers are low, Jeff shares how to cut through the noise and differentiate your business. Learn how leaders can harness the power of storytelling to transform their communication and business.


  • [00:21] Angus shares insights from executives facing tough decisions, highlighting the impact on lives and the company.
  • [01:20] The duo discusses the importance of considering company culture and realistic capabilities when making tough decisions.
  • [04:00] Angus and Timm discuss the overwhelming nature of high-pressure decisions and the fear of jeopardizing the company's future.
  • [06:28] The conversation shifts to strategies for navigating high-stakes decisions, starting with the power of the pause.
  • [13:55] Anchoring to your values is highlighted as a crucial strategy for decision-making.
  • [19:31] The dynamic duo of data and instincts is discussed as a vital component of effective decision-making.
  • [23:09] Embracing diverse insights to avoid isolation and gather comprehensive viewpoints is emphasized.
  • [28:17] The agility to pivot and the importance of being open to adjusting decisions based on new information are explored.
  • Key Takeaway: Making high-stakes decisions requires a blend of careful consideration, alignment with core values, data analysis, intuition, diverse insights, and the flexibility to pivot as necessary. Leaders must embrace these strategies to navigate complex challenges effectively and maintain their well-being.

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