Time⏳️Isn't Always... Even Enough🙄.
MAR 18, 2024
Description Community


What part of asking people to please respect, by leaving an EX alone... do they not understand?

Once, should be enough.

Second time someone does it, is intentional.

After that... we got a problem here called, blatant disrespect. I won't be letting things fall by the wayside either.


"Is it okay for my family to still be in contact with my ex by phone, text or social media?"


"Unless your ex is in a coma, this is a horrible idea for any family member to contact your ex. This could be direct or indirect contact with your ex. If you asked family not to contact your ex, it should be respected. 

Never put a relationship with your own family member on the chopping block by choosing to still remain in contact with their ex. 

Why are you contacting their ex in the first place?"


Free Yourself...My Journey


