Canceled - Audio
MAR 31
Description Community
The term canceled has taken a new meaning in this time of social media. It refers to
publicly withdrawing support from celebrities or public figures who have done something that is not socially acceptable. Being canceled can have significant consequences on reputations and livelihood.
It may result from a statement or action that occurred years ago, but the effect on people's lives is dramatic. In some cases, people are canceled due to racist ideology, child abuse, or other heinous acts in the past. Being canceled has taken on the air of vigilante justice and mob rule. However, it is not limited to exposing past wrongful acts. The crowd and the culture now have control of the mob and will turn on anyone they disagree with, or that challenges their beliefs. The crowd becomes the judge and jury. Increasingly, these efforts are directed toward Christians.
Some will do all they can to cancel the cross and Christians. This is not new. Pontius Pilate wanted to let Jesus go, but the crowd wanted him to die. The chief priests persuaded the crowd to turn against Jesus when, just days before, they were southing hosanna as he entered Jerusalem.

This Easter Sunday, we celebrate a Lord who willingly laid down His life to save ours. The thieves on either side of Jesus deserved their cross. Jesus did not. He died on the cross that should have been ours. They tried to cancel Jesus, but he died on the cross to cancel our sins that mar our lives. He took the sin in our lives and nailed it to the cross for us. Every one of our mistakes are under the blood. Jesus died so that our sins would be canceled.