How to Make Some Noise on Social Media with Andrea Owen
NOV 15, 2022
Description Community

What we talked about . . . 

- How Andrea initially grew her Facebook business page to nearly 200k without trying and how that's changed
- The biggest mistake she's made in having a large social media platform
- How Andrea got 70k TikTok followers in just a few months by just having fun last year, and why that doesn't matter
- What she loves and hates about social media

How they met . . .

Andrea and Barbara met as members of National Speakers Association Carolinas. 

Andrea Owen is an author, global speaker, and professional certified life coach who helps high-achieving women maximize unshakeable confidence and master resilience. She has taught hundreds of thousands of women tools and strategies to be able to empower themselves to live their most kick-ass life through speaking, her books, coaching and her wildly popular podcast with over 3 million downloads.
She is the proud author of two books, which have been translated into 18 languages and are available in 22 countries. Her latest book is Make Some Noise: Speak Your Mind and Own Your Strength.

How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t is a straight-shooting approach to self-improvement for women, one that offers no-BS truth-telling about the most common self-destructive behaviors women tend to engage in. From listening to the imposter complex and bitchy inner critic to catastrophizing and people-pleasing, Andrea Owen–a nationally sought-after life coach–crystallizes what’s behind these invisible, undermining habits.

With each chapter, Andrea kicks women’s gears out of autopilot and empowers them to create happier, more fulfilling lives.

Powerfully on the mark, the chapters are short and digestible, nicely bypassing weighty examinations in favor of punch points of awareness.

Women are tired of worrying that they are being “too loud” if they speak up and say what they believe, want, or need, and are ready to feel their power and make themselves heard. A certified life coach and author of the bestseller How to Stop Feeling Like Shit, Andrea Owen knows that this is absolutely attainable if women can channel their righteous anger and desire. But she also knows that they’ll need to disrupt a status quo in which women have been conditioned and socialized to remain on the sidelines and to put others before themselves. With all of the expertise of a veteran feminist and hell-raiser, and the relatability of a dear friend, Make Some Noise will push women to step outside of rigid societal expectations and show them how to take back control of their lives, and make them all their own.

In Make Some Noise, Andrea deconstructs common behavior patterns that sabotage our power as women, and instead suggests new behaviors for creating a life that truly serves our desires and needs. From unlearning the notion that women should stay quiet and take up little space to trusting your inner wisdom, Make Some Noise is a raw and honest guidebook, and, ultimately, a call to arms.

Andrea Owen on LinkedIn 

Andrea Owen on Instagram

Andrea Owen on Instagram

Andrea Owen's Blog

Andrea Owen on TikTok


About Barbara Rozgonyi

Barbara Rozgonyi leads CoryWest Media, a creative marketing communication consultancy that attracts attention, builds brands, and connects communities. Named after Barbara’s mother and grandmother, CoryWest Media inspires innovation as it fuels growth. Barbara is an international trends speaker with a Hungarian heritage, digital marketing a
