Aviation Podcasting is a competitive business! So, the entire staff and management of Hangar 49 is pleased to announce that we are listed as number 13 in the Top 45 Aviation Podcasts list. Wow, after over 10 years of grueling efforts, we are finally recognized. Oh, we won’t let it go to our heads. Our November show proves it. Please listen to our usual lineup of breaking news, classic films, great music, tantalizing books, outrageous comedy, all punctuated by our amazing commentary.
Movie: Fail Safe (1964)
Interview: Carinex Gautreau/Helidosa
Book: Tiger in the Sea by Eric Linder
Website: Eat at the Airport-From the Airplane Geeks Podcast people
Song: Too Late For Goodbye - Julian Lennon
Destination/Places to Fly To: Atlantic Air Adventures
Comedy/Sound: British Airways Safety Video Audition