3/29 1 Kings 12 - A House Divided
MAR 29, 2024
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A key fact that we all need to know is that in 930 BC, Israel divided into two kingdoms. Today, we read the record of that account and consider why it happened, and what were the massive repercussions of this event. 


1.    When Chapter 12 opens, who was Rehoboam, where was he going, and what was he expecting? 
2.    How many of the tribes were going to support Rehoboam? What does this mean about the others? 
3.    In verse 6, what kind of wise counsel did Rehoboam receive? Whose counsel did he get in verse 8? Which counsel did he follow? What happened as a result? 
4.    In verses 14 – 19, what transpires? How did this impact Israel for generations to come? 
5.    In verse 20, who made Jeroboam king? Why? 
6.    When Rehoboam goes after Jeroboam, what did the prophet say which prevented an all-out war? 
7.    In 1 Kings 11:38, God promised Jeroboam that if Jeroboam would obey the Lord, He would build him an enduring house. Do we see Jeroboam obeying the Lord in 1 Kings 12? What did he set up in verses 26 to 33? How was this an act of expediency? Was it honoring to the Lord? Why? 

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Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

