Ep. 471: Should We Attend the Pro-Israel Rally in Washington on Tuesday?
NOV 14, 2023
Description Community

Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:
A Historic Wake-Up Call 

  • How are we to look at the latest events shaking us all up? 

  • Is this a wake-up call? 

  • How do we respond? 

  • What are its implications? 

  • What responsibility do we have today and what should we be doing? 

  • How can I move away from obsessively following the news? 

  • How do we deal with upheaval? 

  • What can I do to comfort someone who lost a loved one in Israel? 

  • Why should we be afraid of terrorists if we have one G-d and many worlds?   

  • Should we attend the pro-Israel rally in Washington on Tuesday?  

  • Should I not allow my children to attend due to concerns for their safety? 

  • What are our good deeds accomplishing? 

  • If someone is not doing a good deed, are they less protected? 

  • Should we giving charity and saying Psalms together? 

  • Should we be extra careful with tznius? 

  • Should we start dancing and celebrating now, in advance of the miracles we know Hashem will do? 

  • Should we apply for legal gun permits for self-defense? 

  • Should we go to the Ohel and pray for protection? 

  • Can we bring pictures of the hostages to the Ohel?  

  • Do we make a blessing upon the release of hostages? 

  • How does the Torah story of Yaakov and Esau help understand today’s events? 

  • What constitutes victory? 

  • Is the current war in Israel the war of Gog and Magog?  

  • What are we told about the wars at the end of days between the children of Yishmael, Esau and Jacob? 

  • Are Muslims/Arabs children of Yishmael? 

Strength and Direction Actions Empowering Torah Portions  How Does the Story End? 
