Think Big, Act Small with 2x Olympic Medalist Skier Shannon Bahrke
OCT 19, 2023
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Think Big, Act Small with 2x Olympic Medalist Skier Shannon Bahrke

Two-time Olympic medalist and three-time Olympian in skiing, Shannon Bahrke, joins Laura for this week’s fascinating episode of The Pursuit of Gold podcast.  In addition to her Silver and Bronze Olympic medals, Shannon’s achievements over her astonishing 12-year career include being a member of the U.S. “A’ Team, earning 7 World Cup victories and 6 U.S. National titles, and winning the Overall World Cup title in 2003, despite enduring multiple major injuries. Since retiring from her sport, she has gone on to create the Team Empower Hour made up of Olympians who empower corporate leaders and teams around the globe through leadership development, team building, keynote speeches, and fitness workout classes. 
Today, Shannon shares details of her extraordinary journey, and, together with Laura, explores such themes such as purpose, resilience, and the power of mental training in sports. The episode delves into Shannon's early introduction to aerial skiing, her childhood in Lake Tahoe, and her love for adventure sports. It highlights her transition to mogul skiing and the pivotal role of community and freedom in her skiing passion. Shannon's journey from the University of Utah to competing at the World Cup level sheds light on the challenges she faced, and her accounts of using journaling and visualization in training and competitions underscore the roller coaster of success that defined her Olympic path. Shannon's story, as told here today, serves as a testament to the importance of mental and emotional resilience, seizing opportunities, and embracing unity and patriotism on a global scale. You owe it to yourself to join in on this remarkable journey, as Shannon's inspiring tale exemplifies the indomitable spirit of athletes who choose resilience and triumph, leaving an enduring legacy in the world of sports and beyond.

Episode Highlights:

  • Shannon's journey and her resilience and determination to overcome setbacks

  • Her development of mental toughness, a vital quality for elite athletes

  • The pivotal role of positive self-talk

  • The power of visualization

  • Falling in love with mogul skiing

  • The importance of seizing opportunities even when faced with adversity

  • Shannon's ability to bounce back from injuries and setbacks

  • Choosing resilience and turning failures into stepping stones toward success

"It was hard, it was difficult, it had so many challenges, but it had all of these super crazy and wild people just like me, so it seemed like a perfect fit."

"I'm a natural problem solver, and I like when people tell you can't do it."

"That was the moment that I first started to use visualization, closing my eyes and experiencing and seeing what it is that I wanted."

"We can be the best at our sport, but the difference is in your mental and emotional resilience."
"I could be the person that could change the world as a female to do these things."

"When you have a purpose that's greater than yourself, that gives you the ability to do things you wouldn't normally be able to do."

"Our destiny isn't given to us; we have the choice to make it."

"This is the resilience that I need right now to dig deep and be my best self and show the world what I am truly made of."


Laura’s Social Media:

Connect with Shannon:
Shannon's Website
Shannon's Instagram
Shannon's LinkedIn
