‘How can I get on the same page as my ex/co-parent,
when it comes to having sensitive conversations with our kids about sex, bodies, babies and all the things, so that we’re both saying the same thing?’
What a great question!
My answer this week comes from the Courage pillar of the Evolved Family method, which gives us the skills to chat about complex stuff, helps us create connection with our kids as we do it, and supports us to take action when we need to.
Now, what a lot of us do, when we’re co-parenting with an ex, is hold off on having these sensitive conversations because frankly we’re worried about the conflict it might create.
And I get that.
Conflict with an ex is SO hard.
And conflict with an ex about how to parent around sensitive stuff, is just SUPER hard.
So we might try & talk our ex into agreeing to parent the way we do.
And we might send them articles, or YouTube videos, or an episode of Sitting In A Car.
And we might wait til there’s some kind of consensus, before saying anything to our kids.
The problem is… we know that our kids need to know this stuff.
And we know at some level that waiting, and not talking, isn’t what’s best for them.
So what do we do?
How can we co-parent with an ex, and have sensitive conversations with our kids at the times we need to have them, even if we parent in different ways, and don’t agree?
If you feel like you could use some more support for this part of your parenting, and to hear all about getting on the same page with your ex/co-parent about sensitive convos, join me on this week’s episode of Sitting in a Car.
x Sarah