Hour of the Wolf (1968) with Lonnie Nadler
FEB 12, 2024
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Is Lonnie Nadler still alive, and will this night ever end? Soon, soon, youth - or never! Because we're talking about Ingmar "Bergy" Bergman's Hour of the Wolf!

We're getting into the lasting influence Hour of the Wolf had on everything from David Lynch's filmography to The Blair Witch Project and Fargo, Lonnie's fascination with Southern Gothic and how that's impacted his work on the Sickness & Golgatha Motor Mountain, PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE! Don't miss out!

PS: one thing i forgot to touch on in the episode is the metaphor of johan keeping the flesheaters "safely hidden" under the bed since he cant destroy them, in the form of the diary, and its only by Alma's prying (albiet at the old woman's prodding) that they are brought into the daylight. Another accusation from Bergman for Alma to be guilted about, bringing the question of "maybe I shouldn't have asked about his anxieties and just let him be" into the mix. 

from the corrections department: I accidentally said corporeal punishment instead of corporal punishment.

----more----PLUS: New bonus content for the patreon includes full video of the Gremlins commentary I did with Mike Mitchell of the Doughboys, and the final episode of Plutember was December's bonus episode, so if you want to hear JP and me discussing George Romero's The Amusement Park, you must venture behind the dreaded paywall!!!! Sign up now so you don't miss out on this and many more great bonus episodes.

