GUN FOR SALE – 12 gauge shotgun. Browning automatic Gold Hunter. Excellent condition, 0. Call 251-589-9926. MEDIUM BROWN CLOTH RECLINER - Fused 7 months, 0. 334- 637-1272. FOR SALE—Fresh Eggs, available at the Gift Gallery, 135N. Jackson Street, Grove Hill,.00 per dozen. Call 251-275-8029. (20-tfn-CCD) 2023 CALENDARS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE CLARKE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, . Available at the office. (48-tfc) FOR SALE—If we don’t2023haveClarkeit, we wCounty Plat BooksT are available at The246-Clarke4494.CountySA11- tDemocrat for .95 plus tax. You can come by 261 North Jackson Street to pick yours up. (10-tfc-CCD) PREPARE FOR POWER OUTAGES with a GENERAC home standby generator—...
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