NEW COMPELLING THEORY on Fiery Naples Crash // #75
FEB 10, 2024
Description Community

Mike and Sean break down the crash of a Challenger 604 on approach into Naples, Florida (APF) airport that experienced a dual engine failure on final crashing on I-75 killing both pilots. We talk about operating the challenger and possible causes of the accident including introducing a new theory that doesn't include fuel starvation or birds.


Here's some links to other YouTuber's videos on the Naples Challenger crash:


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00:00 Intro

03:32 Facts surrounding Naples crash

05:02 Challenger 604 business jet

08:54 ATC audio

10:37 Video of jet crash in Naples, Florida

13:15 Dual engine flameout in jets

19:52 Theories of what could have caused Naples crash

26:07 Alternate theory for Naples Challenger crash

34:07 Pilots of Naples, Florida crash heros
