The Unpleasant Blind Guy on TECS : 1/19/23
MAR 01, 2023
Description Community
My 41-minute weekly contribution on The Exceptional Conservative Show with
Host and CEO of The Exceptional Conservative Network Mr. Kenneth
McClenton. Each Thursday after 9:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern we take on a variety
of topics. Our business is cutting through the media nonsense to bring you
the truth--and business is GOOD.
These guest appearances will alternate with UBG on EDL shows and other UBG
programming on this page.
Catch The Exceptional Conservative Show Monday Through Friday at 9:00 p.m.
U.S. Eastern and enjoy the other great programs available for FREE viewing
on The Exceptional Conservative Network;
Be sure to subscribe to The Unpleasant Blind Guy page here at Spreaker and
to The Exceptional Conservative Show page on Rumble at;
Prepare and share NOW (while there is time) for the NEXT American Republic;
FREE .MP3 download of this week's segment available at;