On this episode of Coffee, Country & Cody we welcome David Nail! Find more on David Nail at https://davidnail.com/ Nothing gets a morning started better than “Coffee, Country and Cody.” The show’s namesake is Country Music Disc Jockey Hall of Famer and affable television personality Bill Cody. Joining Bill is his producer/sidekick/sports guy/fellow brilliant conversationalist, Charlie Mattos. And rounding out WSM’s dynamic morning crew is Kelly Sutton, Nashville’s go-to entertainment journalist. Together, Bill, Charlie and Kelly start every weekday off with great music—country, bluegrass, Americana, Opry cuts, and live studio guests, the latest news, entertaining features, and more. Coffee, Country & Cody airs LIVE Monday - Friday! You can listen on WSM 650 AM, and watch on Circle Country through the CircleNow app, and stream on ROKU, SAMSUNG TV PLUS, PEACOCK, VIZIO, XUMO, REDBOX, SLING, AND FUBO! About WSM Radio: WSM is the most famed country music radio station in the world. Each day since it first signed on in 1925, the station has shared country, bluegrass, and Americana music, as well as the excitement of Music City with friends in Middle Tennessee and listeners around the world. Listen anytime on 650 AM, WSMradio.com, or our free mobile app. Connect with WSM Radio: Visit the WSM Radio WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/650AMWSM https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUlxWHNLcmhRMVpBdlVmZV9xUWpvVVNnN2IzZ3xBQ3Jtc0trYlU3MGJ2dFptOEZDd3ZKa3d6NjYtYXZMV25SVU1rRVBubFpuaUpxc0RBMXUwd2lGZWNZSzFCM3g5QXdrTUk5VWhqbGZtWktNLXdpQlZJSjVBWWdVOVNJakdxLVQ1cnE3dDh3di16MjdUdTVYX0hiOA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F650AMWSM&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wsmradio https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVJmcEdHSHgwcHpKdWl3TGlseTg3WHRJTExmUXxBQ3Jtc0tsUVgxUFc5aHBZRkVzRG5pRlB1OF9sQk1fOC0yV3cwVmtmRGxkX1I3ZElJZ3o4Y21GR3N4dEhmSW5KbVlUTkpUSVpvekRzdFB5b0VfYWlySDItXzNDX3lvVW9KU2xIWmtOY05rN2NUeEExM2pSZmpVYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40wsmradio&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Like WSM Radio on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioFB https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWY4VDZRTmthaElUMlBzVzJRbHhDdWRqX3RjUXxBQ3Jtc0tudXJLa1VqeFo4ZURtN09VSWZxZExaRHRtMGN1YmZTbzBaN0JhVnRnMS1VQUlDTExOR0ZBS1lKd0pEZDZjUWVoZ0Zta2NwMzV3Ti15RVUxTk9sczJ1YW01R20zUHBUUFFWMGR5YlhOdGJmYTlJSFRLVQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioFB&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Check out WSM Radio on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioInsta https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG9jd1licng5a0lRaVFtcG1CbzQ5eWNyQkZCQXxBQ3Jtc0ttYTNERzZwQTVMOVl0eFh1aTRtRXZ3R25TMGJLYWpuWG5OWXJyYlFpNzZQcm5QOGdmZ0Y5djV0bnp5aXhQSGpMU29oTUR1ejFMYmRiVVZUVjNKMXVVd0pINjBScTNXN3JlQzQxOE1Ic1l5MnZFV1Y3TQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioInsta&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on X: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioTweets https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZSVHZsQ0xrTHJ3aUlUQklvd0ZEVGlpOEtJd3xBQ3Jtc0trVXhaN0hQRERYWkhvYzJmcXUtUVA4enBBTWR2bXNHNFh6VEZjaE9zQ09fZFNPdnU3MHBSSFZadUtjRU9kU0RlMDNETDFVVWV5cWRteTJTRlFib1NXNFNuLUNMRzVqa25qaW1qSVliWkxWRW8wWjF3VQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioTweets&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM Radio LIVE: http://bit.ly/WSMListenLive https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1dqa3RFTjJIckhrT1BsQ1QxNFoxejM3OGVDQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQmhTTWVVdWNBTWk4RDhCYkN0ejhibXdpLVdXVUMwY3RQeWxBOVBPMW9xdGdoSzcwbW5jWFVJT1F5dHd4dDBxNWdjdWd6OXpJeGpOX3gwTDYxY3lJSlZpTUFnOW5rZVY5Rzdwb0tPd043dEFNV1I2WQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMListenLive&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM on iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/live/wsm-radio... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkVKU3kyazNpQmgtbTVhRWx4dk1UVDVZVk1hUXxBQ3Jtc0tuSVdDemo0UlB5VTdNS0xOLWFQUGtEcG0zdmcyM1RFVGFwLWhOZ3ZERUphYXlFRlBzeUszanluNkh6WU9pUE80MGFHU3JkTHVLRmluWlkyekhYTWN3SWVOdEN3ZlBzNDloa2JrUHB6dUo0STVHS3ZEQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iheart.com%2Flive%2Fwsm-radio-9743%2F&v=ok73rFMDA2Q
On this episode of Coffee, Country & Cody we welcome guests Daniel Donato, and Kari Adams — a “Hambassador” With Kentucky Legend ham! Find more on Daniel Donato at https://danieldonato.com/ and Kentucky Legend at https://kentuckylegend.com/ http://powernationtv.com/shows/music-city-trucks Nothing gets a morning started better than “Coffee, Country and Cody.” The show’s namesake is Country Music Disc Jockey Hall of Famer and affable television personality Bill Cody. Joining Bill is his producer/sidekick/sports guy/fellow brilliant conversationalist, Charlie Mattos. And rounding out WSM’s dynamic morning crew is Kelly Sutton, Nashville’s go-to entertainment journalist. Together, Bill, Charlie and Kelly start every weekday off with great music—country, bluegrass, Americana, Opry cuts, and live studio guests, the latest news, entertaining features, and more. Coffee, Country & Cody airs LIVE Monday - Friday! You can listen on WSM 650 AM, and watch on Circle Country through the CircleNow app, and stream on ROKU, SAMSUNG TV PLUS, PEACOCK, VIZIO, XUMO, REDBOX, SLING, AND FUBO! About WSM Radio: WSM is the most famed country music radio station in the world. Each day since it first signed on in 1925, the station has shared country, bluegrass, and Americana music, as well as the excitement of Music City with friends in Middle Tennessee and listeners around the world. Listen anytime on 650 AM, WSMradio.com, or our free mobile app. Connect with WSM Radio: Visit the WSM Radio WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/650AMWSM https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUlxWHNLcmhRMVpBdlVmZV9xUWpvVVNnN2IzZ3xBQ3Jtc0trYlU3MGJ2dFptOEZDd3ZKa3d6NjYtYXZMV25SVU1rRVBubFpuaUpxc0RBMXUwd2lGZWNZSzFCM3g5QXdrTUk5VWhqbGZtWktNLXdpQlZJSjVBWWdVOVNJakdxLVQ1cnE3dDh3di16MjdUdTVYX0hiOA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F650AMWSM&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wsmradio https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVJmcEdHSHgwcHpKdWl3TGlseTg3WHRJTExmUXxBQ3Jtc0tsUVgxUFc5aHBZRkVzRG5pRlB1OF9sQk1fOC0yV3cwVmtmRGxkX1I3ZElJZ3o4Y21GR3N4dEhmSW5KbVlUTkpUSVpvekRzdFB5b0VfYWlySDItXzNDX3lvVW9KU2xIWmtOY05rN2NUeEExM2pSZmpVYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40wsmradio&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Like WSM Radio on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioFB https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWY4VDZRTmthaElUMlBzVzJRbHhDdWRqX3RjUXxBQ3Jtc0tudXJLa1VqeFo4ZURtN09VSWZxZExaRHRtMGN1YmZTbzBaN0JhVnRnMS1VQUlDTExOR0ZBS1lKd0pEZDZjUWVoZ0Zta2NwMzV3Ti15RVUxTk9sczJ1YW01R20zUHBUUFFWMGR5YlhOdGJmYTlJSFRLVQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioFB&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Check out WSM Radio on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioInsta https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG9jd1licng5a0lRaVFtcG1CbzQ5eWNyQkZCQXxBQ3Jtc0ttYTNERzZwQTVMOVl0eFh1aTRtRXZ3R25TMGJLYWpuWG5OWXJyYlFpNzZQcm5QOGdmZ0Y5djV0bnp5aXhQSGpMU29oTUR1ejFMYmRiVVZUVjNKMXVVd0pINjBScTNXN3JlQzQxOE1Ic1l5MnZFV1Y3TQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioInsta&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on X: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioTweets https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZSVHZsQ0xrTHJ3aUlUQklvd0ZEVGlpOEtJd3xBQ3Jtc0trVXhaN0hQRERYWkhvYzJmcXUtUVA4enBBTWR2bXNHNFh6VEZjaE9zQ09fZFNPdnU3MHBSSFZadUtjRU9kU0RlMDNETDFVVWV5cWRteTJTRlFib1NXNFNuLUNMRzVqa25qaW1qSVliWkxWRW8wWjF3VQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioTweets&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM Radio LIVE: http://bit.ly/WSMListenLive https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1dqa3RFTjJIckhrT1BsQ1QxNFoxejM3OGVDQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQmhTTWVVdWNBTWk4RDhCYkN0ejhibXdpLVdXVUMwY3RQeWxBOVBPMW9xdGdoSzcwbW5jWFVJT1F5dHd4dDBxNWdjdWd6OXpJeGpOX3gwTDYxY3lJSlZpTUFnOW5rZVY5Rzdwb0tPd043dEFNV1I2WQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMListenLive&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM on iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/live/wsm-radio... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkVKU3kyazNpQmgtbTVhRWx4dk1UVDVZVk1hUXxBQ3Jtc0tuSVdDemo0UlB5VTdNS0xOLWFQUGtEcG0zdmcyM1RFVGFwLWhOZ3ZERUphYXlFRlBzeUszanluNkh6WU9pUE80MGFHU3JkTHVLRmluWlkyekhYTWN3SWVOdEN3ZlBzNDloa2JrUHB6dUo0STVHS3ZEQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iheart.com%2Flive%2Fwsm-radio-9743%2F&v=ok73rFMDA2Q
On this episode of Coffee, Country & Cody we welcome guests The Erwins and Shane Smith & The Saints! Find more on The Erwins at https://www.erwinministries.com/ and Shane Smith & The Saints!at https://www.shanesmithmusic.com/ Nothing gets a morning started better than “Coffee, Country and Cody.” The show’s namesake is Country Music Disc Jockey Hall of Famer and affable television personality Bill Cody. Joining Bill is his producer/sidekick/sports guy/fellow brilliant conversationalist, Charlie Mattos. And rounding out WSM’s dynamic morning crew is Kelly Sutton, Nashville’s go-to entertainment journalist. Together, Bill, Charlie and Kelly start every weekday off with great music—country, bluegrass, Americana, Opry cuts, and live studio guests, the latest news, entertaining features, and more. Coffee, Country & Cody airs LIVE Monday - Friday! You can listen on WSM 650 AM, and watch on Circle Country through the CircleNow app, and stream on ROKU, SAMSUNG TV PLUS, PEACOCK, VIZIO, XUMO, REDBOX, SLING, AND FUBO! About WSM Radio: WSM is the most famed country music radio station in the world. Each day since it first signed on in 1925, the station has shared country, bluegrass, and Americana music, as well as the excitement of Music City with friends in Middle Tennessee and listeners around the world. Listen anytime on 650 AM, WSMradio.com, or our free mobile app. Connect with WSM Radio: Visit the WSM Radio WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/650AMWSM https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUlxWHNLcmhRMVpBdlVmZV9xUWpvVVNnN2IzZ3xBQ3Jtc0trYlU3MGJ2dFptOEZDd3ZKa3d6NjYtYXZMV25SVU1rRVBubFpuaUpxc0RBMXUwd2lGZWNZSzFCM3g5QXdrTUk5VWhqbGZtWktNLXdpQlZJSjVBWWdVOVNJakdxLVQ1cnE3dDh3di16MjdUdTVYX0hiOA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F650AMWSM&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wsmradio https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVJmcEdHSHgwcHpKdWl3TGlseTg3WHRJTExmUXxBQ3Jtc0tsUVgxUFc5aHBZRkVzRG5pRlB1OF9sQk1fOC0yV3cwVmtmRGxkX1I3ZElJZ3o4Y21GR3N4dEhmSW5KbVlUTkpUSVpvekRzdFB5b0VfYWlySDItXzNDX3lvVW9KU2xIWmtOY05rN2NUeEExM2pSZmpVYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40wsmradio&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Like WSM Radio on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioFB https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWY4VDZRTmthaElUMlBzVzJRbHhDdWRqX3RjUXxBQ3Jtc0tudXJLa1VqeFo4ZURtN09VSWZxZExaRHRtMGN1YmZTbzBaN0JhVnRnMS1VQUlDTExOR0ZBS1lKd0pEZDZjUWVoZ0Zta2NwMzV3Ti15RVUxTk9sczJ1YW01R20zUHBUUFFWMGR5YlhOdGJmYTlJSFRLVQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioFB&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Check out WSM Radio on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioInsta https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG9jd1licng5a0lRaVFtcG1CbzQ5eWNyQkZCQXxBQ3Jtc0ttYTNERzZwQTVMOVl0eFh1aTRtRXZ3R25TMGJLYWpuWG5OWXJyYlFpNzZQcm5QOGdmZ0Y5djV0bnp5aXhQSGpMU29oTUR1ejFMYmRiVVZUVjNKMXVVd0pINjBScTNXN3JlQzQxOE1Ic1l5MnZFV1Y3TQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioInsta&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on X: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioTweets https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZSVHZsQ0xrTHJ3aUlUQklvd0ZEVGlpOEtJd3xBQ3Jtc0trVXhaN0hQRERYWkhvYzJmcXUtUVA4enBBTWR2bXNHNFh6VEZjaE9zQ09fZFNPdnU3MHBSSFZadUtjRU9kU0RlMDNETDFVVWV5cWRteTJTRlFib1NXNFNuLUNMRzVqa25qaW1qSVliWkxWRW8wWjF3VQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioTweets&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM Radio LIVE: http://bit.ly/WSMListenLive https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1dqa3RFTjJIckhrT1BsQ1QxNFoxejM3OGVDQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQmhTTWVVdWNBTWk4RDhCYkN0ejhibXdpLVdXVUMwY3RQeWxBOVBPMW9xdGdoSzcwbW5jWFVJT1F5dHd4dDBxNWdjdWd6OXpJeGpOX3gwTDYxY3lJSlZpTUFnOW5rZVY5Rzdwb0tPd043dEFNV1I2WQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMListenLive&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM on iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/live/wsm-radio... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkVKU3kyazNpQmgtbTVhRWx4dk1UVDVZVk1hUXxBQ3Jtc0tuSVdDemo0UlB5VTdNS0xOLWFQUGtEcG0zdmcyM1RFVGFwLWhOZ3ZERUphYXlFRlBzeUszanluNkh6WU9pUE80MGFHU3JkTHVLRmluWlkyekhYTWN3SWVOdEN3ZlBzNDloa2JrUHB6dUo0STVHS3ZEQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iheart.com%2Flive%2Fwsm-radio-9743%2F&v=ok73rFMDA2Q
On this episode of Coffee, Country & Cody we welcome guests Sarahbeth Taite and Scotty Inman! Find more on Sarahbeth Taite athttps://www.sarahbethtaite.com/ and Scotty Inman at https://www.scottyinman.com/ http://powernationtv.com/shows/music-city-trucks Nothing gets a morning started better than “Coffee, Country and Cody.” The show’s namesake is Country Music Disc Jockey Hall of Famer and affable television personality Bill Cody. Joining Bill is his producer/sidekick/sports guy/fellow brilliant conversationalist, Charlie Mattos. And rounding out WSM’s dynamic morning crew is Kelly Sutton, Nashville’s go-to entertainment journalist. Together, Bill, Charlie and Kelly start every weekday off with great music—country, bluegrass, Americana, Opry cuts, and live studio guests, the latest news, entertaining features, and more. Coffee, Country & Cody airs LIVE Monday - Friday! You can listen on WSM 650 AM, and watch on Circle Country through the CircleNow app, and stream on ROKU, SAMSUNG TV PLUS, PEACOCK, VIZIO, XUMO, REDBOX, SLING, AND FUBO! About WSM Radio: WSM is the most famed country music radio station in the world. Each day since it first signed on in 1925, the station has shared country, bluegrass, and Americana music, as well as the excitement of Music City with friends in Middle Tennessee and listeners around the world. Listen anytime on 650 AM, WSMradio.com, or our free mobile app. Connect with WSM Radio: Visit the WSM Radio WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/650AMWSM https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUlxWHNLcmhRMVpBdlVmZV9xUWpvVVNnN2IzZ3xBQ3Jtc0trYlU3MGJ2dFptOEZDd3ZKa3d6NjYtYXZMV25SVU1rRVBubFpuaUpxc0RBMXUwd2lGZWNZSzFCM3g5QXdrTUk5VWhqbGZtWktNLXdpQlZJSjVBWWdVOVNJakdxLVQ1cnE3dDh3di16MjdUdTVYX0hiOA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F650AMWSM&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wsmradio https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVJmcEdHSHgwcHpKdWl3TGlseTg3WHRJTExmUXxBQ3Jtc0tsUVgxUFc5aHBZRkVzRG5pRlB1OF9sQk1fOC0yV3cwVmtmRGxkX1I3ZElJZ3o4Y21GR3N4dEhmSW5KbVlUTkpUSVpvekRzdFB5b0VfYWlySDItXzNDX3lvVW9KU2xIWmtOY05rN2NUeEExM2pSZmpVYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40wsmradio&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Like WSM Radio on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioFB https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWY4VDZRTmthaElUMlBzVzJRbHhDdWRqX3RjUXxBQ3Jtc0tudXJLa1VqeFo4ZURtN09VSWZxZExaRHRtMGN1YmZTbzBaN0JhVnRnMS1VQUlDTExOR0ZBS1lKd0pEZDZjUWVoZ0Zta2NwMzV3Ti15RVUxTk9sczJ1YW01R20zUHBUUFFWMGR5YlhOdGJmYTlJSFRLVQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioFB&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Check out WSM Radio on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioInsta https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG9jd1licng5a0lRaVFtcG1CbzQ5eWNyQkZCQXxBQ3Jtc0ttYTNERzZwQTVMOVl0eFh1aTRtRXZ3R25TMGJLYWpuWG5OWXJyYlFpNzZQcm5QOGdmZ0Y5djV0bnp5aXhQSGpMU29oTUR1ejFMYmRiVVZUVjNKMXVVd0pINjBScTNXN3JlQzQxOE1Ic1l5MnZFV1Y3TQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioInsta&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on X: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioTweets https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZSVHZsQ0xrTHJ3aUlUQklvd0ZEVGlpOEtJd3xBQ3Jtc0trVXhaN0hQRERYWkhvYzJmcXUtUVA4enBBTWR2bXNHNFh6VEZjaE9zQ09fZFNPdnU3MHBSSFZadUtjRU9kU0RlMDNETDFVVWV5cWRteTJTRlFib1NXNFNuLUNMRzVqa25qaW1qSVliWkxWRW8wWjF3VQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioTweets&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM Radio LIVE: http://bit.ly/WSMListenLive https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1dqa3RFTjJIckhrT1BsQ1QxNFoxejM3OGVDQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQmhTTWVVdWNBTWk4RDhCYkN0ejhibXdpLVdXVUMwY3RQeWxBOVBPMW9xdGdoSzcwbW5jWFVJT1F5dHd4dDBxNWdjdWd6OXpJeGpOX3gwTDYxY3lJSlZpTUFnOW5rZVY5Rzdwb0tPd043dEFNV1I2WQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMListenLive&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM on iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/live/wsm-radio... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkVKU3kyazNpQmgtbTVhRWx4dk1UVDVZVk1hUXxBQ3Jtc0tuSVdDemo0UlB5VTdNS0xOLWFQUGtEcG0zdmcyM1RFVGFwLWhOZ3ZERUphYXlFRlBzeUszanluNkh6WU9pUE80MGFHU3JkTHVLRmluWlkyekhYTWN3SWVOdEN3ZlBzNDloa2JrUHB6dUo0STVHS3ZEQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iheart.com%2Flive%2Fwsm-radio-9743%2F&v=ok73rFMDA2Q
On this episode of Coffee, Country & Cody we welcome guests Larysa Jaye and Joel McMillan and Eric Smart from Music City Trucks! Find more on Larysa at https://www.larysajaye.com and Music City Trucks at powernationtv.com/shows/music-city-trucks http://powernationtv.com/shows/music-city-trucks Nothing gets a morning started better than “Coffee, Country and Cody.” The show’s namesake is Country Music Disc Jockey Hall of Famer and affable television personality Bill Cody. Joining Bill is his producer/sidekick/sports guy/fellow brilliant conversationalist, Charlie Mattos. And rounding out WSM’s dynamic morning crew is Kelly Sutton, Nashville’s go-to entertainment journalist. Together, Bill, Charlie and Kelly start every weekday off with great music—country, bluegrass, Americana, Opry cuts, and live studio guests, the latest news, entertaining features, and more. Coffee, Country & Cody airs LIVE Monday - Friday! You can listen on WSM 650 AM, and watch on Circle Country through the CircleNow app, and stream on ROKU, SAMSUNG TV PLUS, PEACOCK, VIZIO, XUMO, REDBOX, SLING, AND FUBO! About WSM Radio: WSM is the most famed country music radio station in the world. Each day since it first signed on in 1925, the station has shared country, bluegrass, and Americana music, as well as the excitement of Music City with friends in Middle Tennessee and listeners around the world. Listen anytime on 650 AM, WSMradio.com, or our free mobile app. Connect with WSM Radio: Visit the WSM Radio WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/650AMWSM https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUlxWHNLcmhRMVpBdlVmZV9xUWpvVVNnN2IzZ3xBQ3Jtc0trYlU3MGJ2dFptOEZDd3ZKa3d6NjYtYXZMV25SVU1rRVBubFpuaUpxc0RBMXUwd2lGZWNZSzFCM3g5QXdrTUk5VWhqbGZtWktNLXdpQlZJSjVBWWdVOVNJakdxLVQ1cnE3dDh3di16MjdUdTVYX0hiOA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F650AMWSM&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wsmradio https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVJmcEdHSHgwcHpKdWl3TGlseTg3WHRJTExmUXxBQ3Jtc0tsUVgxUFc5aHBZRkVzRG5pRlB1OF9sQk1fOC0yV3cwVmtmRGxkX1I3ZElJZ3o4Y21GR3N4dEhmSW5KbVlUTkpUSVpvekRzdFB5b0VfYWlySDItXzNDX3lvVW9KU2xIWmtOY05rN2NUeEExM2pSZmpVYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tiktok.com%2F%40wsmradio&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Like WSM Radio on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioFB https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWY4VDZRTmthaElUMlBzVzJRbHhDdWRqX3RjUXxBQ3Jtc0tudXJLa1VqeFo4ZURtN09VSWZxZExaRHRtMGN1YmZTbzBaN0JhVnRnMS1VQUlDTExOR0ZBS1lKd0pEZDZjUWVoZ0Zta2NwMzV3Ti15RVUxTk9sczJ1YW01R20zUHBUUFFWMGR5YlhOdGJmYTlJSFRLVQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioFB&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Check out WSM Radio on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioInsta https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG9jd1licng5a0lRaVFtcG1CbzQ5eWNyQkZCQXxBQ3Jtc0ttYTNERzZwQTVMOVl0eFh1aTRtRXZ3R25TMGJLYWpuWG5OWXJyYlFpNzZQcm5QOGdmZ0Y5djV0bnp5aXhQSGpMU29oTUR1ejFMYmRiVVZUVjNKMXVVd0pINjBScTNXN3JlQzQxOE1Ic1l5MnZFV1Y3TQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioInsta&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Follow WSM Radio on X: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioTweets https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZSVHZsQ0xrTHJ3aUlUQklvd0ZEVGlpOEtJd3xBQ3Jtc0trVXhaN0hQRERYWkhvYzJmcXUtUVA4enBBTWR2bXNHNFh6VEZjaE9zQ09fZFNPdnU3MHBSSFZadUtjRU9kU0RlMDNETDFVVWV5cWRteTJTRlFib1NXNFNuLUNMRzVqa25qaW1qSVliWkxWRW8wWjF3VQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMRadioTweets&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM Radio LIVE: http://bit.ly/WSMListenLive https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1dqa3RFTjJIckhrT1BsQ1QxNFoxejM3OGVDQXxBQ3Jtc0tuQmhTTWVVdWNBTWk4RDhCYkN0ejhibXdpLVdXVUMwY3RQeWxBOVBPMW9xdGdoSzcwbW5jWFVJT1F5dHd4dDBxNWdjdWd6OXpJeGpOX3gwTDYxY3lJSlZpTUFnOW5rZVY5Rzdwb0tPd043dEFNV1I2WQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FWSMListenLive&v=ok73rFMDA2Q Listen to WSM on iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/live/wsm-radio... https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkVKU3kyazNpQmgtbTVhRWx4dk1UVDVZVk1hUXxBQ3Jtc0tuSVdDemo0UlB5VTdNS0xOLWFQUGtEcG0zdmcyM1RFVGFwLWhOZ3ZERUphYXlFRlBzeUszanluNkh6WU9pUE80MGFHU3JkTHVLRmluWlkyekhYTWN3SWVOdEN3ZlBzNDloa2JrUHB6dUo0STVHS3ZEQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.iheart.com%2Flive%2Fwsm-radio-9743%2F&v=ok73rFMDA2Q
On this episode of Coffee, Country & Cody we welcome guests Lance Cowan and Darci Lynne! Find more on Lance at https://www.lancecowanmusic.com/ and Darci at https://www.darcilynne.com/ Nothing gets a morning started better than “Coffee, Country and Cody.” The show’s namesake is Country Music Disc Jockey Hall of Famer and affable television personality Bill Cody. Joining Bill is his producer/sidekick/sports guy/fellow brilliant conversationalist, Charlie Mattos. And rounding out WSM’s dynamic morning crew is Kelly Sutton, Nashville’s go-to entertainment journalist. Together, Bill, Charlie and Kelly start every weekday off with great music—country, bluegrass, Americana, Opry cuts, and live studio guests, the latest news, entertaining features, and more. Coffee, Country & Cody airs LIVE Monday - Friday! You can listen on WSM 650 AM, and watch on Circle Country through the CircleNow app, and stream on Roku, Samsung TV Plus, Peacock, Vizio, Xumo, Redbox, Sling, and Fubo! About WSM Radio: 650 AM WSM is the most famed country music station in the world. Each day, the station shares country, bluegrass, and Americana as well as the excitement of Music City with friends in Middle Tennessee and listeners around the world. Visit us at 650 AM, WSMradio.com, or our free mobile app. Connect with WSM Radio: Visit the WSM Radio WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/650AMWSM Like WSM Radio on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioFB Check out WSM Radio on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioInsta Follow WSM Radio on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/WSMRadioTweets Listen to WSM Radio LIVE: http://bit.ly/WSMListenLive Explore the WSM Radio ARCHIVES: http://bit.ly/WSMArchives
On this episode: we share highlights from our recent interviews with Mark Wills, Breland, and Gordon Mote. Beforehand, the crew discusses Breland's upcoming show (and some of his A-list guests) coming up at The Ryman on March 26, plus Gordon Mote's Porter Wagoner impression and Mark Wills' preferred lip balm. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and (on most tours) you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations: Opry Nashville and Route 650. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
On this episode: the crew talks about the origins of the podcast... and then welcome in T. Graham Brown to discuss his surprise invitation to become a member of the Grand Ole Opry. We also hear highlights of interviews from the week with special guests Allie Colleen (daughter of Garth Brooks) & international music star Giada Valenti. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and (on most tours) you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations: Opry Nashville and Route 650. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
On this episode: Bill misspeaks and introduces Brittney Spencer as Britney Spears, which brings up an Opry memory of the time Britney Spears visited the Grand Ole Opry and hugged Bill on stage... then, we get to our highlight interviews with Brittney Spencer, Mandy Barnett, and Ray Stevens. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and (on most tours) you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations: Opry Nashville and Route 650. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
The Coffee, Country & Cody Podcast is back and in an all-new format! Now, we're proud to present a weekly digest with highlights from recent interviews, as well as lively banter between our hosts. We hope you like the new format! On this episode: Wilson Fairchild, Pryor Baird, and comedian Dusty Slay. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Doug Gray, founding member of The Marshall Tucker Band, called into the show and spoke with WSM's morning crew the day before the band would make its return to the Grand Ole Opry. Enjoy this conversation full of great memories! Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
If there's a Hall of Fame, he's probably in it... Opry member Ricky Skaggs called into the show recently to discuss his Christmas tour along with his band, Kentucky Thunder... including memories of playing Nashville's famed Ryman Auditorium. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Roger White, Entertainment Manager at Dollywood, visited the show to discuss his efforts in casting someone to play Dolly Parton in a new theatrical production at the theme park. They will be holding auditions here in Nashville on December 15th. Learn more here: https://www.dollywood.com/jobs/auditions/schedule/ Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
The big man himself, this time of year - Santa Claus - came to the WSM studio to visit with the Coffee, Country & Cody crew and discuss the 2023 efforts of Marine Toys For Tots. You can be a part of it at http://www.toysfortots.org/opry Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Half of The Oak Ridge Boys - Richard Sterban & William Lee Golden - stopped by the studio to discuss their "American Made Farewell Tour", including the upcoming stop at Ryman Auditorium on December 12th. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
The longest-serving member in the history of the Grand Ole Opry stopped by the show recently... Whisperin' Bill Anderson! It's always a treat to have the Hall of Famer in the studio with us. On this visit, we discussed his new single, "The Country I Grew Up With", that features Vince Gill, Bobby Bare, Willie Nelson, and Jimmy Fortune. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Ray Scott dropped by the show to discuss his new album "Billboards and Brake Lights". Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Tony Jackson dropped by the show prior to an Opry performance, and talked about his brand new album, "I've Got Songs To Sing". Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
alum Victoria Jackson stopped by the show to discuss her new music album, "When I Get To Nashville", plus her memories of decades working as a comedian on high-profile television shows. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Country singers Brett Kissel & Cooper Alan dropped by the show recently to discuss their new collaboration "Two Of Us". Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Joshua Bronnenberg from the Ryman Auditorium staff stopped by the show to talk about JC Unit 1 - Johnny Cash's famed tour bus - which is now at The Ryman (on loan from the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame) and part of the Mother Church tour for a limited time. Joshua talks about how the bus became part of the Ryman tour, and how you can visit and experience it, during its short time in Nashville. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Legendary drummer Artimus Pyle joined the show on October 20, 2023. Pyle was, of course, part of Lynyrd Skynyrd and survived the band's fateful plane crash 46 years ago. Now, Artimus has formed his own band, and they would make their Grand Ole Opry debut later that night. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Circle Network & Dish's Hometown Teacher Of The Year - Sha'Rell Webb - joined the show recently. You'll be fascinated by the story of how this Texas native harnessed NASA to achieve this honor. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Grand Ole Opry star Trisha Yearwood called into Coffee, Country & Cody recently to discuss her upcoming series of shows with the Nashville Symphony at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Songwriter Tim Montana stopped by the show recently, who recently held a benefit show at City Winery. He's written hits for Kid Rock in the past...and now he has a new single of his own called "Devil You Know". We hope you enjoy our chat with Tim. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Ellen Liston, the longtime Public Relations Manager at Dollywood, joined the show to discuss everything happening during Fall at Dollywood & the Smokies. She also gives us a preview of what's to come during the Christmas season. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Country Music Hall of Famer & Grand Ole Opry star Ronnie Milsap joined the show to talk about his upcoming "Final Nashville Show" at Bridgestone Arena on October 3, featuring over two dozen artists set to perform as a tribute to Ronnie's legendary career. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
It's always a delight to welcome Kathy Mattea into the studio. She was with us on September 21, 2023 to discuss her back-to-back shows at the Franklin Theater during the 2023 Americanafest. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
We welcomed Grammy Award-winner Steve Jordan to the show on September 20, 2023. Steve has served as a drummer, musical director, producer... working with the Rolling Stones, Saturday Night Live, David Letterman and more. Enjoy this interview as we discuss these stops on his vast career, and more! Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!
Singer-Songwriter Brent Cobb dropped by the studio to discuss his new album, his upcoming appearances at here in Nashville, and the big show he has planned for December at Nashville's Brooklyn Bowl. Make the Grand Ole Opry part of YOUR Nashville experience! With at least three shows every week, there are plenty of opportunities to see The Show That Made Country Music Famous -- plus, take the Opry Backstage Tour while you're there, and you'll get to stand in the world-famous circle where so many country greats have performed. Plus, you'll get access to the limited-time "Famous Friends: Guests of the Grand Ole Opry" exhibit at the Acuff House. Thanks for listening to the Coffee, Country & Cody podcast from WSM Radio! Download the official WSM Radio App (for Apple or Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsmonline.wsmmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US devices) to hear WSM in digital clarity, plus two additional streaming stations -- Opry Nashville and Route 650 -- as well as thousands of hours of archived programming. And now you can hear WSM on iHeartRadio as well!