#107: "Is Broken Sim Ending?!" + MKUltra Hero? + Hillary Confronted + Kevin Brennan's Trouble
NOV 06, 2023
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Sam and Johnny clash! Is Sam gay? Also this week we discuss the death of Matthew Perry, the trouble that it got Kevin Brennan in, and a possible hero who resisted the influence of MKUltra programming. Plus: Hillary is confronted twice, and we review the footage. Kanye suggests an Adidas exec kiss a photo of Hitler daily. And so much more!

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Please use Johnny's Tesla referral link so he can make his car faster. You'll also get up to $250 off and three months of Full Self-Driving Capability for free. Click: https://bit.ly/johnnyteslaref

More stuff: Get episodes early, and unedited, plus bonus episodes: www.rokfin.com/brokensimulation or www.patreon.com/brokensimulation

Watch Broken Simulation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCob18bx1jaU1HYPCPNRnyog

Social media: Twitter: @fatdragonpro, @johnnywoodard Instagram: @samtripoli, @johnnyawoodard

The outro song is "Growing Growing Gone" by Fastball. Listen to it at www.patreon.com/fastball!

Want to see Sam live? Visit www.samtripoli.com for tickets!

Broken Simulation Hosts: Sam Tripoli, Johnny Woodard

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