Distractions - Video
JAN 21
Description Community
Our world is full of distractions. All forms of electronic media and devices engineered to hold our attention all too often do just that, and we can waste hours scrolling away. However, distractions in life are not new; we are just observing the latest vehicle for it. Jesus came into a world divided by factions and nations that often hated each other simply because they were from different places. Our world (and theirs) makes it easy to feel like we are the center of our universe. The root of this is selfishness, and selfishness is the root sin of all other sins. One of the first casualties of selfishness is thankfulness, which leads to a sense of entitlement. We crave attention and recognition when we are the center of our universe. Some judge their success by how much attention or credit they receive and how well they are known. However, the attention and recognition given by the world is not important. True success is defined by how our children and grandchildren know us. Our words and opinions will not change the world; our lives will change the world. The distractions in life will keep us from having the relationship with God and our family that will truly define our success.