Don’t Lose Your Wait - Audio
JAN 07
Description Community
Every new year brings a focus on changing habits, losing weight, and other efforts to build a "new year, new you." Historically, most of these efforts will fail because seeing results often takes time and dedication. Humanity does not like to wait. We have increasingly become a society that expects instant gratification and minimal waiting for results. We have become so impatient that many will accept mediocre results if they materialize faster. Unfortunately, this creeps into our spiritual lives as well. We come to church but wonder when the service will end because we have lunch reservations. Waiting on God is more important than anything else we can do. God is not limited by time and is not subject to our schedule. God moves when He needs to move. Hurrying is the death of prayer, a move of God, and our relationship with Him. We must slow down to walk at God's pace or risk running ahead and leaving Him behind. It is easy for us to wait if we know how long. We can then compare the reward and determine if it is worth the time. Going to a nice restaurant and facing a 45-minute wait for a table may be acceptable, but none of us would wait 45 minutes to be served at a fast food restaurant. The reward is not worth the time. We know the promise of God, and no matter how long we wait, it will be worth it. We cannot settle for less because we are not willing to wait. So how long do we have to wait? The Bible says UNTIL. We wait until God delivers. With God, the reward is always worth the wait.