My Whereabouts At The Window - Video
JAN 29
Description Community
We like it when we are at the right place at the right time. It is possible to be in the right place and at the right time but in the wrong position.
The Bible tells us they came together that night to break bread and listen to Paul preach. They were there for the right reasons, but after breaking bread, Eutychus got comfortable and fell asleep. It is possible to find ourselves in that place spiritually. When we get comfortable, we risk falling asleep. We can be there in body but be asleep. Eutychus allowed himself to become comfortable and fell to this apparent demise. We must do all that we can to stay awake. We cannot become comfortable. Fortunately for him, Paul was there to revive him. We have all had someone who still saw life in us when we fell. We were not created to live in a lot of comfort. God wants us to follow the path he has for us. And that is not always a comfortable place. We cannot allow ourselves to become comfortable and complacent.