Pre-Assembled - Audio
JAN 15
Description Community
Tonight's text is from a portion of scripture that contains details about the construction of Solomon's Tabernacle. We are often tempted to skip over such information, but tucked in the middle of these details of size, materials, and proportions is a lesson in how to fully experience God's goodness. King David had set out to build a place for God to dwell, but God stayed him from that because of his warrior past. Instead, David gathered the materials and left detailed instructions for his son, Solomon, to build. Our text says that the stones were made ready before getting to the building site. These stones were the literal building blocks of the church. The church is made up of people. Therefore, we can compare ourselves to those stones. Like those stones, we must be prepared before we get to the house of God. There is work to be done shaping and dressing the stones before they are ready to be used in the temple. If we wait to prepare ourselves until we get to church, we spend too much time being distracted (and distracting others) trying to focus on the purpose of being in the church: to worship God and receive what He has for us. How often do we limit what God can do for us because He has to spend so much time working on us when we should be focused on Him? What would happen if we showed up to church pre-assembled and ready to be used? If we do that, we can enjoy all God has for us.