The Direction of Divine Purpose - Video
JAN 08
Description Community
Some people look across the ocean and wonder what is on the other side. They look to see what is beyond and what is to come. Most of us, however, could be more adventurous. We like the comfort and familiarity of our lives. For most of us, venturing on a journey to the unknown makes us uncomfortable. In our text, Jesus invites the disciples to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. He did not force them to go. God is always inviting us to a better place. He does not force us but draws us there. God leads us on a journey to better things. The trip may have difficulty, but the result is always better than where we are now. Discomfort is the price of growth. We must go through some things to get to where God wants us to be. The disciples did not know they were sailing into a storm when they boarded the ship. When they began their trip, they were full of faith, but as the storm came on them, they shifted their focus from faith to themselves, and fear set in. Fear will cause us to question the promise of God. But, the promise of God is secure. Jesus said, "Let us go to the other side". The promise in that was that they would GET to the other side. Wherever God is taking us, it is worth the trip, and we must focus faith on Him and trust him on the journey.