K.M. Butler, Historical Fiction Author
DEC 05, 2023
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Happy Monday, my friend!

Welcome to Inside the Minds of Authors. The podcast that is dedicated to bringing you passionate authors with exciting books. We are celebrating the finale of our four season with some fabulous authors. The first one this week is historical fiction author, Mr. K.M. Butler. We are chatting about his third novel, House Aretoli.

K.M. Butler studied literature at Carnegie Mellon University and has always had an avid interest in history. His writing influences are The Lions of al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay and Colleen McCullough’s Masters of Rome series.

He lives in Philadelphia with his wife and two daughters. His wife is his first and harshest editor, while his daughters always want his stories to feature more blood and talking animals, but never at the same time. To learn more about K.M. and his fabulous books check out his website at https://kmbutlerauthor.wordpress.com/.

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Happy Listening, DC
