{{REPOST}} Devi Gita (Class 36):”Maya and Vimarśa in Kashmir Shaivism” with George Barselaar of the Lakshmanjoo Academy.
JUN 27, 2023
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Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati is joined by special guest scholar George Barselaar, a disciple and attendant of the great master of Kashmiri Shaivism His Holiness Swami Lakshmanjoo, live from Swamiji's ashram in Srinagar, Kashmir. We are continuing the discussion we started last week on verse 2.10:

विमर्श इति तां प्राहुः शैवशास्त्रविशारदाः |

अविद्यामितरे प्राहुर्वेदतत्त्वार्थचिन्तकाः || १० ||

10. vimarśa iti tāṃ prāhuḥ śaiva-śāstra-viśāradāḥ |

avidyāmitare prāhur-veda-tattvārtha-cintakāḥ || 10 ||

"Those versed in Shaiva scriptures (Shaivites) declare Her to be vimarśa (reflective awareness), while those who contemplate the doctrines of the Vedas (Vedantins) declare Her to be powerful avidya (ignorance).”


