59. Philippe Bongrain: Chocolate With Purpose
MAR 09, 2023
Description Community

"Everywhere in the world there are tensions – economic, political, religious. So we need chocolate,” says the great Alain Ducasse—iconic chef, creator, and artisan of living. We couldn’t agree more and believe life is so much better because of chocolate. Chocolate is one of the most beloved foods and ingredients around the world. Almost every culture and society have a passionate love affair with it. There is no limit to the power chocolate has in cultivating emotive reactions, and it often accompanies major milestones throughout our lives. 


But have you ever been curious about how chocolate is made? The rich history of chocolate? Ever wonder about the ways chefs and chocolatiers from all over the globe put their own unique, creative twists on this ancient super food? At On The Pass, these are questions we often contemplate on, as we are fortune enough to sit down with the best chefs and creatives in the business. We decided to go straight to the source and have on our next guest.


You may remember on a previous episode, Gabriel was in Mérida, Mexico in November 2022, for Latin America’s 50 Best Awards and got to spend time with Philippe Bongrain. Philippe is the CEO of República del Cacao, a Certified B-Corp creating the most authentic Latin American Chocolate hand-in-hand with local communities. 


As Chief Executive of one of the premier chocolate manufacturers based in Quito, Ecuador—the birthplace of the modern domestication of premium fine cacao—Philippe provides in-depth insight into his company’s passion and dedication to the craft and a step-by-step process from cacao seed to chocolate bar. Philippe enthusiastically takes us on a journey through Ecuador, the origins of modern-day chocolate making, and República del Cacao’s mission of creating a chocolate with purpose. 


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