Isaiah 51:1-23: The Arm of the LORD Wakes His People
MAR 26, 2024
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The LORD calls His people to look to the rock from which they were hewn, recalling how the LORD their Rock brought a great nation from the dead rock Abraham. Therefore, Israel must listen to the LORD’s Word, as His righteousness and salvation come near to them. He works this salvation through His holy arm, which is awakened to deliver His people yet again. The LORD is the One who comforts His people in the midst of fear and oppression; therefore, they must wake up from their drunken stupor after drinking the cup of the LORD’s wrath. The LORD has taken His cup from them and given it to His enemies, and He will rescue His people.

Rev. Andrew Preus, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in New Haven, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Isaiah 51:1-23.

"The Fifth Evangelist” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Isaiah 40-66. Though Isaiah lived one hundred years beforehand, he writes to the people of God in exile in Babylon to assure them that their God reigns and will rescue them through the work of His servant. These promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ, whose work Isaiah proclaims vividly seven hundred years beforehand.