"Go & Tell - Invitation" - Pastor Ron Woods - February 4, 2024
FEB 04, 2024
Description Community

CONNECT, GROW, GIVE at theassembly.org

Key Thoughts: 

  • The lost were and are the priority of Jesus.
  • May we be an invitational church that invite people to Jesus, and invite people to church.
  • Evangelism is joining Jesus where He is already working.
  • A quote from Eugene Peterson pointing out that salvation isn't a impersonal cause or project, but is meant to happen from personal relationship.
  • Statistics from a Barna report stating that most Christians believe that part of their faith means being a witness about Jesus and that the best thing that could ever happen to a person is for them to know Jesus.
  • Statistics from a Barna report stating that 47% of Millennials agree at least somewhat that it is wrong to share one's personal beliefs with someone of a different faith in hopes that they will one day share the same faith.

Scripture: John 1:44-46 NIV

CONNECT, GROW, GIVE at https://theassembly.org/
