Teacher and Purpose Coach Clay Smeltzer joins me to talk about love, faith and family. I love his passion, energy and commitment to growth.
Clay Smeltzer is a man who owns himself, loves his story, and lives with purpose. He does this as a Man, husband, father, teacher, baseball coach, author, speaker, and with his company Purpose Infused Coaching. Clay has lived a pretty normal life nothing fancy and nothing too out of the ordinary. He followed what he was supposed to follow, did what he was supposed to do but at the age of 35 sat on a couch next to his wife having a panic attack over a TV show. With everything going great around him he still felt lost, floating, ashamed, and not where he expected himself to be in life at 35. There were two roads derived in the woods and he chose the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference. Through Purpose Infused Coaching Clay now helps men reveal their purpose and create clarity in all aspects of their lives. So that they can step into their story and step up to lead as a man and in their families, careers, and communities.