Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour

Progressive Radio Network


Harvey Wasserman embraces your views with a Solartopian vision of the people’s politics, ecology, holistic health and much more.

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142 episodes

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 3.28.24

WISCONSIN DE-GERRYMANDERS; ARIZONA ON THE LINE; FLORIDA IN PERIL; HEROIC POLITICAL PRISONERS    We start GREEP Zoom #171 with the great NORM STOCKWELL, Publisher of the legendary Progressive Magazine, telling us how gerrymandering has been reversed in Wisconsin. It’s a huge victory for democracy that needs to be celebrated, with tangible progressive impacts for years to come…and outcome that could only have happened with grassroots election organizing.. The legendary JOHN BRAKEY then fills us in on the battles for democracy in Arizona, where the outcome for 2024 could decide the Presidency. JAN PERELMAN, running for Congress in Florida, reports on killer developments in that uniquely tortured state. MYLA RESON inserts her concerns about the Sunshine State’s horrendous nuclear power plants. We then hear from DOROTHY REIK and DR. RUTH STRAUSS about the latest assault on birth control and abortion pills as approved by the FDA, now in front of the US Supreme Court. We open our section on political prisoners with STEVE DONZIGER, who continues to be prosecuted by Chevron for his powerful work for social and ecological justice. VINNIE DeSTEFANO updates us on the attempts to bring JULIAN ASSANGE to the United States for further torture and persecution. TATANKA BRICCA reminds us of the horrific forever attack against LEONARD PELTIER. And JEFF MACKLER provides chapter and verse on the four-decade incarceration of MUMIA ABU-JAMAL. Finally, WENDI LEDERMAN and PAUL NEWMAN add to the mix of a truly powerful testimony to the wrongness of these prosecutions and the incredible power of the defendants and their supporters.  

Mar 29, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 3.21.24

FANI WILLIS & PROTECTING THE ELECTION; THE END OF NUCLEAR POWER; ANARCHY IN HAITI GREEP #170 begins with QUASIM RASHID, candidate for Congress in Illinois, who offers a glimpse of a progressive new generation coming to power. NANCY LARSON fills us in on the latest insanity from the Buckeye State. SANDY BOLZENIUS, MARY STONEWALL, KARLA SANDS, WENDI LEDERMAN, LYNNE FEINERMAN and others chime in. RAY MCCLENDON clarifies the latest developments in Trump’s Georgia election theft case and offers a harsh warning on the likelihood of election theft throughout the United States. PAUL NEWMAN correctly attacks the spineless, listless Merrick Garland. We then explore the dying nuke power industry alongside the rise of the booming wind industry in New York and elsewhere. The great PAUL GUNTER, RON LEONARD, TATANKA BRICCA and others then explore the insanity of pro-nuke/anti-solar policies in DC and CA. MARY OLSON also takes us deep into the realities of the deeply denied death toll at Three Mile Island. JOHN LAFORGE of NukeWatch updates us on the killing power of tritium and other atomic fallout. ROSEDANIE CADET delivers as astonishing report of chaos and hardship in HAITI that defies description. MYLA RESON raises the killer questions about whether France will step up to right its historic wrongs. …and…WENDI LEDERMAN finishes with a terrifying catalog of the spread of Cop Cities around the US. Overall, it’s a session to question the fate of the human race….but we WILL see you next week…..

Mar 22, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 3.14.24

WE DEMAND THE FREEDOM OF JULIAN ASSANGE; WE REVEAL OUR “PEOPLE’S GUIDE TO ELECTION ACTIVISM” & THEN WE EXPLORE SOLARIZING LA VINNIE DESTEFANO starts us off with a detailed excursion in to horrid on-going torture of Julian Assange. We then get into the weeds with WENDI LEDERMAN on our comprehensive PEOPLE’S GUIDE TO GRESSROOTS ELECTION ORGANIZING, 2024. PAUL NEWMAN introduces a discussion of hand-marked/counted paper ballots, which, with digital scanning, can finally give us reliable election outcomes. DAVE SALTMAN introduces the issue of the Electoral College. LINDA SEELEY fills us in on the latest at Diablo Canyon. PAUL KANGAS talks abut Senate bills 9 & 10 for building four-family houses with 100 solar panels We follow with a full hour on the possibility of changing the world by Solarizing Los Angeles, It’s a project that can transform the entire energy picture in California, the US and the world. This is the world debut of a campaign that could completely end the reign of KING CONG—Coal, Oil, Nukes, Gas. Join US!!

Mar 15, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 3.7.24

THE 5-G NIGHTMARE THAT THREATENS US ALL Throughout the world 5-G transmission is being imposed on the human population.  It has terrible health effects that are almost everywhere hidden from an unsuspecting public.  Millions of human are almost certainly suffering from health impacts that would appear inexplicable but that are being cause by this terrible technology. We’re joined at today’s CALIFORNIA SOLARTOPIA show by world-renowned expert CAMILLA REES. She is joined by Los Angeles activists SIDNEE COX and BRENDA MARTINEZ.  Though some of this show's information is specific to Southern California, the overall picture of the health and political realities put forward here is invaluable We also chide LA Representative Adam Schiff for his grotesque US Senate campaign, in which he trashed the legendary Barbara Lee and activist Katie Porter, elevating instead a fascist Republican to be his Senate opponent this fall. And with MYLA RESON and TATANKA BRICCA we remind with world of the insane dangers of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant and all other atomic reactors. And of the criminal opposition to renewables now being pushed by California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Mar 08, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 2.29.24

FANI WILLIS DISSECTED; VOTING RIGHTS AT THE GRASSROOTS; ASSANGE; THE ROOTS OF SOLARTOPIA We gather again for the GREEN GRASSROOTS EMERGENCY ELECTION PROTECTION Zoom, this one #167. Legendary voting rights activist RAY MCCLENDON dissects the furor over Fani Willis and the Georgia prosecution of Trump’s 2020 election theft attempt. DENNIS BERNSTEIN, TATANKA BRICCA and JOHN STEINER jump in. CYNTHIA PAPERMASTER tells us of her civil disobedience at the San Francisco home of Nancy Pelosi.  ANDREA MILLER explains her upcoming national webinar on Get-Out-The-Vote work that has made a tangible difference in so many elections., RUTH STRAUSS, LYNN FEINERMAN and WENDI LEDERMAN add their perspectives to Andrea’s amazing work. Just back from London, VINNIE DESTFANO gives us his first person accounts of this critical juncture on the Julian Assange case. SUSAN PYNCHON introduces us to the upcoming election audit zoom with John Brakey, Ray Lutz, Ken Bennett, Bennie Smith; look for the link at PAUL NEWMAN and PAUL FENN give us the low-down on the benefits of actually installing solar panels in Santa Monica….and statewide. Renewable energy Godfather RON LEONARD fills us in on the global success of the spreading solar power industry. We finish by exploring the roots of the renewable vision from the 1975 Toward Tomorrow Fair at the University of Massachusetts, where the Solartopia outlook threw down its roots. A challenge to the solar future comes from MARY BUTLER-STONEWALL. MYLA RESON reads us the litany of legislation now being proposed to save California’s beleaguered solar industry. See you next week for more on THOM HARTMANN’s terrifying vision of how Trump can steal the 2024 election.

Mar 01, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 2.15.24

WILL TAYLOR’S SUPER-BOWL DECIDE THE PRESIDENCY?  + PAY OFF MEDICAL DEBT     We blitz at the beginning wIth MYLA RESON announcing job availability to run the upcoming election for the Pacifica Radio Network, confirming the democratic control of the nation’s oldest progressive media network.   We then open with PROF. MICHAEL ZWEIG, who checks in on the current progress of the Poor People’s Campaign.   TATANKA BRICCA, WENDI LEDERMAN, RAY MCCLENDON, JUSTIN LEBLANC, HEDY TRIPP and others fuel our deep dive into the tortured political realities of TAYLOR SWIFT & America’s number one professional sport right now.   JERRY ASHTON joins us to explain his amazingly successful campaign to retire medical debt, a cause now being considered by the states of Connecticut and New Jersey.  Jerry’s work has retired $11 billion of medical debt among the general population, and is now moving heavily into retiring the medical debt of veterans.   As part of this critical discussion, DAVID SALTMAN reports on the astonishing ordeal of his sister, who has been crippled by a tree falling in San Francisco’s recent wind storm.  Only her union medical coverage will save her from bankruptcy.    DR. NANCY NIPARKO then joins us with a fascinating, important and truly memorable report on the desperate need for a single-payer Medicare-for-All system to cover the medical costs of all Americans.  Dr. Niparko’s genius presentation underscores one of the most important challenges average Americans, whose number one cause for financial bankruptcy stems from an inability to pay their doctor bills.   Nancy’s presentation is joined by PAUL NEWMAN, a major activist in grassroots California’s campaign for single-payer universal coverage of medical care.   CAMILLA REES asks the critical question about who would oppose universal care and why.   After comments from MIKE HERSH, Dave, Wendi, Myla and Justin, we leave the question to be answered through the ages.  

Feb 16, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 2.8.24

TRAVIS, TAY-TAY, THE SUPER-BOWL AND AMERICA’S INSANE POLITICAL CIRCUS….PLUS NUKES, ASSANGE, LETHAL GAS & MORE OHIO MADNESS     In our first hour we start with TIM JUDSON of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service who joins with KARL GROSSMAN on the realities of America’s bogus “Nuclear Renaissance.”   MYLA RESON, TATANKA BRICCA, and CONNIE KLINE update us on a wide range of issues.   We’re then updated by ANNE BATIZA on a postcard campaign and other attempts to free Julian Assange.   We then hear from STEVE GOLDSMITH on the perils of a lethal poison gas now threatening Los Angeles.   STEVE CARUSO gives us the latest on the crazed efforts of Ohio officials to kill democracy.   With pop music on our music, we hear from the brilliant ALAN MINSKY the intersection of sports & politics as we head into the SuperBowl.   SANDY BOLZENIUS, MIKE HERSCH, MYLA RESON, WENDI LEDERMAN, STEVEN GOLDSMITH chime in.   ELISSA MATROSS explains the classic dilemma of a powerful political activists who roots for the home team….in this case the 49ers.   ALEX WILLIAMS adds his opinions about whether NFL games are fixed.    TATANKA BRICCA reminds us of the sacrifice of Tommy Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.   RUTH STRAUSS brings us a reminder of Alabama football, ending this wonderful gathering on a Crimson Tide.

Feb 09, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 2.1.24

GOOGLE POLICY MAKER RUNS FOR CONGRESS; DESANTIS GETS HIS OWN GESTAPO     Our gathering begins with former Google executive AHMED MUSTAFA and a deep dive into the politics of the world’s leading search engine.    With power and clarity, Ahmed, among other things, issues a stark warning on the challenges being posed to our future by Artificial Intelligence.   JOHN STEINER asks for specifics on Ahmed’s campaign for Congress now navigating the primaries in Silicon Valley.   SETEVE CARUSO, ERIC LAZARUS, LYNNE FEINERMAN and CAMILLA REES join the dialog.   TIM JUDSON of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service updates us on the horrendous Senate decision to remove Commissioner Jeff Baran from the Nuclear Regulator Commission, proving beyond any lingering doubt that any member of the NRC who values public safety over private profit will not remain.   MYLA RESON updates us on our YouTube presence and asks for your thumbs up!   MIKE HERSH then introduces us to “local hero” KEN BAWERS, who gives us a very impressive deep dive into the demanding world of Stormwater Control and his battles with the $25 billion Riverine Restoration industry.   RON LEONARD raises an interesting challenge to Ken’s presentation as we further hear from DIANE CAMERON in praise of Ken’s work.   We finish with WENDI LEDERMAN and her horrifying account of life in Florida after DeSantis’s presidential bust, extending to his assemblage of an armed “militia” that essentially translates into a private army financed at taxpayer expense.   HANIEH JODAT tells us about supporting a number of progressive candidates in upcoming races.   As Wendi further describes the private DeSantis army, we sign off on another great gathering, and invite you to the next one, which will convene on Monday, February 5, and be rebroadcast soon thereafter at PRN.    Thank you for listening.  No Nuke, and we’ll see you soon in Solartopia.    

Feb 02, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 1.25.24

oreign Influence, U Mining, The Chevron Doctrine, National Health Care & Much More   JUSTIN LEBLANC and MICHELLE SUTTER get us going with a California bill (AB-83) aimed at keeping foreign money out of our elections.   LYNNE FEINERMAN and LEONA MORGAN describe the HAUL NO campaign against Uranium mining near the Grand Canyon.   VINNIE DE STEFANO updates us on the FREE ASSANGE campaign with a boost from DR. RUTH STRAUSS.   WENDI LEDERMAN tells us the latest about the horrific COP CITY fight in Atlanta with the fate of a major first and the civil rights of a whole city at stake.   MYLA RESON introduces us to the debate over the Chevron Deference Doctrine now facing decimation by the Supreme Court, possibly open the door to an era in which government has no ability to regulate anything.   MARY BUTLER-STONEWALL ESQ. discusses corruption at the EPA.   Then, with an introduction from MIKE HERSH, we take a deep dive into the issue of national heath care with CALCARE proponent PAUL NEWMAN, ACA Godfather JOEL SEGAL and nationally prominent campaigner DR. WILLIAM BRONSTON.  For nearly a full hour we explore the incredibly important labyrinth of public “illness management” and how it’s done better in places like Cuba.   TATANKA BRICCA, DR. NANCY NIPARKO take us out of another wonderful GREEP session.  See you again next week.

2h 13m
Jan 26, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 1.18.24

EXPERT SOLARTOPIAN ADVICE ON ELECTRIC VEHICLES & THE BATTERY REVOLUTION   PAUL GIPE, a legendary pioneer in wind and solar energy, joins us with the inside Solartopian scoops on electric cars and new developments in battery technology.   Paul has owned and operated at least one electric car for many years, with vital ground-breaking stories to tell.   He is a staunch advocate for many good reasons, which he freely shares on this special green-powered CALIFORNIA SOLARTOPIA broadcast.   Paul is joined by TATANKA BRICCA, a legendary peace, justice and environmental organizer with his own great stories to tell.   Tatanka shares his own unique wisdom in dialogue with Paul, Harvey & co-host MYLA RESON.   Together they discuss critical new developments in the battery industry.   In particular, the developing use of sodium as a cheap but powerful replacement for lithium looms as a great green-powered game changer.   We also welcome some excellent callers to this lively talk, which was first broadcast at KPFK-Pacifica in Los Angeles.   Like Solartopia itself, this show is full of Solartopian wit, wisdom & green goodwill.  JOIN US!!!

1h 0m
Jan 19, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 1.11.24

A GUIDE TO GRASSROOTS SALVATION IN 2024   Our first GREEP zoom of 2024 lays out in deep detail the Grassroots path to defeating dictatorship in this fall election.   ANDREA MILLER and RAY MCCLENDON are the two major architects of “relational” organizing in the southeastern US.   For nearly two hours they lay out the foundational guidelines for a winning strategy among ordinary voters throughout the US.   This presentation will be at the core of progressive non-media-based electoral work for the coming year and beyond.   Needless to say, the future of American democracy rests on the clarity and success of this presentation.   WENDI LEDERMAN adds a brutal assessment of the attack on a woman’s right to control her own body.   JUSTIN LEBLANC adds broad perspective to the issue.   STEVE CARUSO reports on the absolute insanity dominating Ohio.   DR. NANCY NIPARKO gives us critical data on women’s health in the US.   TATANKA BRICCA warns of the loss of our republic.   MYLA RESON bids us a fond farewell.   And we congratulate the University of Michigan football team on its first natonal championship in many decades.

1h 56m
Jan 12, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 1.4.24

SHUTTING THE NUKE POWER INDUSTRY & SAVING SOLAR WHILE FACING UF0S We’re joined at GREEN POWER & WELLNESS via CALIFORNIA SOLARTOPIA and a deep dive into the hard realities of getting to a green-powered Earth. Along with co-hosts MYLA RESON and TSUKURU FORS, we hear from  KARL GROSSMAN, LINDA SEELEY and TATANKA BRICCA. They tell us of the latest nuke-threatening quakes in Japan, the absurd failure of the COPS Conference on Climate, the desperate need to shut Diablo Canyon, the utter insanity of Gavin Newsom’s attacks on rooftop solar. We conclude with an excursion into the transformed world of UFOlogy, newly renamed….with way more to come… JOIN US. 

Jan 05, 2024
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 12.21.23

KILLING DEMOCRACY IN FL & OH; DIGITAL DERANGEMENT; POEMS FROM THE HEART     GREEP zoom #161 begins with WENDI LEDERMAN & CAROLINA AMPUDIA reporting on the Florida “Democratic” Party decision to cancel its presidential primary.     This astounding, unprecedented attack on electoral democracy accompanies a concerted attempt by the Republican Party to kill a popular referendum meant to preserve the right to abortion.  Despite having gathered more than 1.4 million signatures, Florida’s right wing is working overtime to deny the public the right to decide.   From Ohio, STEVE CARUSO reports that $4.3 million in fossil/nuclear bribes have found their way to the Chair of the Public Utilities Commission, now indicted and on trial.  E-mails between CPUC Chair Sam Randazzo and nuclear reactor owner FirstEnergy show an astonishing line of corruption aimed at bailing out Ohio’s decrepit fossil/nuke burners.   CAMILLA REES then introduces DR. NICHOLAS KARDERAS, author of Glow Kids and Digital Madness as well as a wide range of medical and professional studies on the impacts of algorithms on our brains.   Dr. Kardaras gives us a terrifying tour of the devastating impacts of digital addiction—especially when it comes to our children.  Among other things, we are exposed to the horrifying impacts sedentary hours in front of a screen can have on us and our kids.  These assaults range from depression, anxiety, OCD, psychosis and much much more.  The epidemic of social media with zero nuance has ravaged the mental wellness of an entire generation.   This “weakening of the American mind” means the demise of critical thinking, creating an emotional brittleness and a “Stockholm Syndrome” that makes us love the tech oligarchs who imprison our narrowing minds by deliberately spreading dark chaos, the essential ingredient for fascism.   MIKE HERSH, LYNN FEINERMAN, DR. NANCY NIPARKO, JUSTIN LEBLANC, STEPHEN KAISER, DONALD SMITH, DAVID SALTMAN, ERIC LAZARUS, MYLA RESON add to our fond farewell to 2023.   As that happens, RON LEONARD helps us dedicate ourselves to preventing fascism in 2024.   We end with the brilliant, moving poems of Mimi German, hoping she’ll become our very own poet laureate. See you then!! 

2h 6m
Dec 22, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 12.14.23

DEAD FUKUSHIMA FISH; INSANE KOP28 GOES NUKE-CRAZY; ENDING HATE IN THE MIDDLE EAST We start GREEP ZOOM #160 with a discussion of Ohio’s newly legalized pot access, and the insane interventions against abortion in Texas and Ohio. KARL GROSSMAN explains some of the horrors of the radioactive release at Fukushima, Japan, which has been followed by the predicable mass death of millions of sardines and mackerel in northern Japan. Karl has reviewed RADIOACTIVE: THE WOMEN OF THREE MILE ISLAND by Heidi Hutner, featuring four stalwart women whose health and families have been decimated by radioactive fallout from the 1979 TMI disaster. KAT KRAMER reminds us of her great work with Kat Kramer’s Films that Change the World which will feature the WOMEN OF THREE MILE ISLAND, perhaps in March. Karl further describes the KOP28 which was captured by the Emirates’ oil industry and nuke power promoters who want 3X the reactors we have now. TATANKA BRICCA then joins in with a description of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s sabotage of the phase-out of two decrepit reactors at Diablo Canyon. WENDI LEDERMAN, STEVE KAISER and JUSTIN LEBLANC add to the dialog. We're then regaled by CAMILLA REES, JOHN STEINER & MIKE HERSH with the needs of the GREEP calls for financial support. In our second hour, DR. KENNETH STERN & legendary newsman DAVID SALTMAN conduct a uniquely powerful session on the Middle East. Dr. Stern represents the Bard College Center for the Study of Hate.  He and Dave share powerful, unique knowledge of the history of this war-torn region that casts the current Gaza disaster in a new light. LYNN FEINERMAN, JULIE WEINER, MYLA RESON, ELISSA MATROSS wrap us into a peaceful, powerful climax unlike virtually any other discussion of this polarizing ancient never-ending hell-storm. 

2h 21m
Dec 22, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 12.05.23

VOTING RIGHTS & BRIBERY IN OHIO; HOW GOOGLE MANIPULATES PUBLIC OPINION; NUKE POWER ON THE ATTACK        We start with the great ANDREA MILLER and RAY MCCLENDON, who open GREEP #159 with their usual genius insights on voting rights, gerrymandering and more, primarily in the BIPOC south. STEVE CARUSO joins to fill us in on the corrupt insanity of Ohio.  Buckeye officials from the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Public Utilities Commission Chair and others are all implicated in the infamous $61 million bribe  for “persuading” the Legislature for a $1billion nuclear power bribe.  The former House Speaker, Larry Householder, has already begun a 20-year prison term. CAMILLA REES then introduces DR. ROBERT EPSTEIN and his pioneer work in tracking the undue influence of Google and other internet giants in swaying public opinion.  Dr. Epstein’s riveting, groundbreaking presentation The presumption is that the influence is meant to be “pro-liberal,” but co-convener MIKE HERSH argues that the real agenda is pro-corporate, far to the right of the American mainstream.  Major media legend DAVID SALTMAN challenges the idea that such manipulation can tangibly shape voting behavior, ERIC LAZARUS, JUSTIN LEBLANC, MARY STONEWALL-BUTLER, JULIE WIENER, WENDI LEDERMAN and others chime in on the anti-democracy wave drowning our nation in outright autocracy. We’re then joined by the legendary clean energy pioneer KARL GROSSMAN, who reports on the corporate call for the world to triple its insane commitments to atomic energy.  At the latest global climate conference, a convening sheik amazingly asserts that the burning of fossil fuels has no impact on global climate. STEVEN SONDHEIM, RON LEONARD and others chime in on the nuclear attack on our planet. NINA BEETY raises the possibility that a breeder reactor may have been built by PG&E at Moss Landing, California. MYLA RESON, newly elected member of the National Board of the Pacifica Radio Network, reminds us that the California Solartopia show she co-hosts with me (Harvey Wasserman) has returned to to KPFK 90.7fm in Los Angeles at 5pm PT Wednesday evenings.  That show can be heard at We will see & hear you again on December 11.  Until then…..NO NUKES….Shut Diablo

2h 14m
Dec 08, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 11.30.23

REDISTRICTING IN GA & OH; RECYLING AND TRITIUM IN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER; OHIO’S ATOMIC VORTEX and MORE MIDDLE EAST EXPLORATION     RAY MCCLENDON & RACHEL COYLE join us from Georgia and Ohio to parse out the grotesquely anti-democracy shenanigans from the MAGA right.   CAROLINA AMPUDIA fills us in on the struggles of Florida’s teachers' unions to sustain the public school system in the face of Ron DeSantis’s fascist attacks.   JOHN KEARNEY reports to us from Minneapolis on his new high-tech Recycling Electronics for Climate Action, aiming to re-use large quantities of rare metals that would otherwise require very dirty mining operations.   JOHN LAFORGE of NukeWatch reports on the insanely dangerous tritium links at the Monticello nuke which threatens the Mississippi River with deadly radiation.   HEDY TRIPP, LINDA SEALEY,  JUSTIN LEBLANC all chime in on the immense impacts of radioactive fallout.   MYLA RESON celebrates the return of our CALIFORNIA SOLARTOPIA show to KPFK/Pacifica radio in Los Angeles.   STEVE CARUSO and VINA COLLEY give us a devastating overview of the Portsmouth-Piketon recycling/enrichment facility in southern Ohio, the true vortex linking the commercial nuclear power industry to the real Death Star—the nuclear weapons complex.   WENDI LEDERMAN explains the attempt to pave Flordia’s road with radioactive waste.   MARY BUTLER pipes in from Spokane to remind us of the atomic mega-disaster at the Hanford reservation.   VINNIE DESTEFANO updates us on the Julian Assange case.   In our second round table on the Middle East, we hear from Code Pink’s CYNTHIA PAPERMASTER, LYNN FEINERMAN, MIKE HERSH, JULIE WEINER, FAISAL KHAN, SALEEM, OMER and others as we pursue more open, civil discussion on the world’s most complex and brutal ethnic war.    

2h 33m
Dec 01, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 11.16.23

MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE 2D HOUR, WHICH GOES FOR TWO HOURS.   THE FIRST HOUR IS JUST A SINGLE HOUR, & WE WON’T USE IT ON TODAY’S PRN.LIVE BROADCAST.  THANKS!! > > A COMPREHENSIVE DEEP DIVE INTO A SMALL MODULAR RENEWABLE SOLARTOPIA WITH AMORY LOVINS et. al. > > > Our Earth-Shattering GREEP zoom #157 takes us on a unique two-hour journey into the brave new world of renewable energy. > > We start with LINDA SEELEY of the Mothers for Peace, who updates us on the multi-front fight to shut California’s Diablo Canyon Nukes. > > The great SCOTT DENMAN then takes us through monumental collapse of NuScale’s Small Modular Reactor scam.  > > NuScale has been at the center of the so-called “Nuclear Renaissance” for large reactors which collapsed 2007-2012. > > That fantasy gave way to a “resurgence” of Small Modular Reactors which has just collapsed. > > NuScale went to Utah municipal utilities to buy into the SMR scam. > > But this past week, as Scott tells us, the SMR scam has collapsed. > > Great green guru AMORY LOVINS follows with a magnificent overview of the global conversion to renewable energy. > > Carbon + cost + speed are the keys to the green transition, he says. > > Renewables have added 986x net capacity than nuclear in 2022, he says. > > In September 2022-October 2023, solar is running way faster than anybody can keep up with, he adds. > > With an “integrate design,” and an “unimaginably big” cornucopia of renewables, we can meet our de-carbonization goals. > > New grid materials brighten the equation. > > Big reactors now cost 5-8x renewables; small reactors are 20-32x more expensive than renewables, even with mass production. > > Solar and wind generate “variably” in predictable ways, widening the cost gap nukes must overcome to match renewables. > > “Baseload” from nuclear has now become both obsolete and detrimental. > > Lovins cites ten means of firming supply/demand reliability at extremely low cost compared to fossil/nukes. > > JUSTIN LEBLANC, RON LEONARD, WENDI LEDERMAN and MYLA RESON join in on the discussion. > > We also hear from ROY MORRISON on how to do community-owned renewable power. > > Amory also recommends X-Change at and Applied Hope on renewables and cars. > > At the end we learn it’s Amory’s birthday, contributing to the truly beautiful, powerful spirit of this gathering. > > Don’t miss it!!!  & we’ll see you in Solartopia…..

1h 58m
Nov 17, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 11.09.23

LABOR RISING, VA UNDER FIRE, WHILE NUKES BANKRUPT GEORGIA   Our GREEP zoom #156 opens with the magnificent ANDREA MILLER of the Center for Common Ground tells us about the critical election in Virginia, showing us the astounding flood of money into these key races.  It’s an amazing show of the power of corrupt funding in what’s left of our democracy.   From the labor movement we then hear PATRICK CROWLEY, AARON WAZLAVEK and JAY PONTI fill us in powerful developments in the green economy as strikes proliferate throughout the nation.  The recent rise of organized labor is one of the great unexpected successes of the new century.   MYLA RESON and TATANKA BRICCA give us critical perspectives on all this.   Then WENDI LEDERMAN relates tells the horrifying on-going details of the Cop City assault on Atlanta, protestors and the actual law with a wave of brutal, illegal repression.   GEORGIA Public Service Commission candidate PATTY DURAND then explains in terrifying detail the horror show surrounding elections for the body that will decide who gets stuck with the $40 billion price tag for the insane Vogtle Nukes #3 & $4.  Patty has fought for years to make clear how incredibly corrupt the building of these two worthless, hugely expensive and utterly senseless atomic reactors.   The great DAVE KRAFT from Chicago then fills us in on the horrific nuclear politics of the Windy City and the attempt there to prevent new Small Modular Nuclear Reactors from plaguing the region.   DOROTHY REIK, LYNN FEINERMAN, RON LEONARD AND STEVEN SONDHEIM wrap us up with their usual brilliance as the horse race between Solartopia and Armageddon continues to enthrall us all.  NoNukes!!

2h 18m
Nov 10, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 11.02.23

ALL MOST NOW FOCUS ON THE DIABLO / NUKE CRISIS We focus in the GREEP Zoom #155 on the in-your-face crisis at California’s Diablo Canyon nuke reactors. While the 39-year-old Unit One is shut for refueling, a growing public movement demands the obvious—test this crumbling old nuke for embrittlement and much more BEFORE it’s allowed to re-open. After four decades of blasting heat, pressure and radiation, Diablo’s Reactor Pressure Vessels are fried to the point of shattering like glass should they be flooded with coolant water in an emergency. In other words….if the “brakes” are applied at uninsured Diablo during a major accident, the whole place will blow up. Steam, Hydrogen and fission explosions will blast apocalyptic radioactive cloud into the steady breezing blowing south to Los Angeles. Then it’ll go west into the Central Valley, then north to the Bay Area….and all across the continental United States. LINDA SEELEY of the Mothers for Peace explains how her long-lived, incredibly persistent group is fighting to keep Diablo shut in the court system, regulatory agency and Public Utilities Commission. As we learn from ROBERT FREEHLING and RON LEONARD among others, renewable energy has long since filled any possible supply gaps caused by Diablo’s closure. The billions in hand-outs being offered PG&E to stay open dwarf any help being given wind, solar, efficiency, etc which have already far outstripped nuclear power in price. Indeed, the nature of the grid now DEMANDS that base-load nuke supplies give way to flexible, cheaper, cleaner, safer and more reliable renewables. At the core of the issue, we seek the Plan B that will shut these nukes forever….in the midst of rumors Gov. Newsom may be “reconsidering” his insane decision to keep Diablo running. Transcript

2h 1m
Nov 03, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 10.26.23

JULIAN ASSANGE / DIABLO CANYON / GREEN AMENDMENTS / ISRAEL - PALESTINE PASSION Our Grassroots Emergency Election Protection Zoom #154 opens with a timely, critical report on Julian Assange from VINNIE DESTEFANO in Los Angeles. We then join LINDA SEELEY from the Diablo Canyon Mothers for Peace on the status of the critical fight to keep that insane nuke shut. CATHY WOLF updates us from Portland on the Pine Tree Alliance campaign to take over the electric utilities in Maine. MAYA VON ROSSUM fills us in further with the power of her GREEN AMENDMENTS in states where environmental protection has been taken to another level. In the second hour we plunge into the Israel-Palestine horror show with a series of heartfelt, highly intelligent, carefully limited three-minute statements. This powerful, uniquely civil section includes deeply moving statements from nearly 20 people, including DAVID SALTMAN, LISSA MATROSS, VINNIE DESTEFANO, DOROTHY REIK, DENNIS BERNSTEIN, WENDI LEDERMAN, MIKE HERSH, LYNN FEINERMAN, JUSTIN LEBLANC, MYLA RESON, STEPHEN FRASER, DR. RUTH STRAUSS and many more. In a society tearing itself apart over the deep, passionate, extremely inflamed differences raging around this insane war, we prove that it’s possible to have a civil, productive, interesting and important session on a conflict that could easily devolve into the end of human life as we know it. We hope this session will become a small but significant step in the opposite direction. SHALOM / SALAAM….

1h 59m
Oct 27, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 10.19.23

IN THE STREETS FOR DEMOCRACY  IN FLORIDA, OHIO & AT THE NUCLEAR WEAPONS/POWER PLANTS   GREE-GREE # 153 begins with the great WENDI LEDERMAN’s harrowing accounts of gathering signatures for Florida’s pro-choice referendum.     You can’t hear these stories without worrying for the lives of those pounding the pavement for what’s left of our democracy.   RUTH STRAUSS and JUSTIN LEBLANC join in the dialog on this incredibly important life/death isue.   Ohio’s RACHEL COYLE explains the astounding “you can’t make this stuff up” madness that’s overtaken the Buckeye State on the issues of abortion, pot, democracy and more.   At a key moment she connects with the great RAY MCCLENDON, hopefully leading to more grassroots democracy in the swing state heartland.   STEVE CARUSO and SANDY BOLZENIUS also report in from Columbus with the latest mich-a-gass.   Wendi then reports again, this time about the hideous Cop City project in Atlanta with a terrible fascistic crack-down on the basic rights of pro-democracy protestors.     In our second hour we leap into the nuclear power issue and the desperate need to shut the Diablo Canyon reactors and all others throughout the world.   The great KEVIN KAMPS of Beyond Nuclear joins LINDA SEELEY of the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace ( to discuss the strategies of fighting sick atomic reactors in Michigan and California.   We also hear from DONNA GILMORE, TORGEN JOHNSON, TATANKA BRICCA,  JENNIFER TANNER, ROBERT FREEHLING, KARL GROSSMAN, PAT MARIDA , MYLA RESON and more help us navigate the absolutely essential path to making our state and world post-nuclear. We also hear from DONNA GILMORE, TORGEN JOHNSON, TATANKA BRICCA,  JIM HEDDLE, MARY BETH BRANGAN, JENNIFER TANNER, ROBERT FREEHLING, KARL GROSSMAN, PAT MARIDA , MYLA RESON and more help us navigate the absolutely essential path to making our state and world post-nuclear.

2h 36m
Oct 20, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 10.12.23

INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY, OHIO URANIUM & RISING LABOR POWER We begin GREEP #152 with the great LIBBE HALEVY, creator of the Nuclear Hotseat, who tells us about the triumphant debut of the award-winning documentary SAN ONOFRE SYNDROME.  This SOS masterpiece by MARY BETH BRANGAN & JIM HEDDLE of the Ecological Options Network join us later in the call to explain the great grassroots victory in shutting the two San Onofre reactors….followed by the horrific struggle to deal with their atomic waste. In honor of Indigenous People’s Day, ANDREA MILLER shares some her amazing native brilliance rooted in her Cherokee background. Introduced by MYLA RESON, we hear from ANNA RONDON of the southwestern tribes who are fighting to protect our Earth from the horrors of uranium mining. TATANKA BRICCA reminds us of our Star Origins as well as our Indigenous roots amidst the struggle to call in powers of the Four Directions, and in hopes of freedom for the wrongly imprisoned LEONARD PELTIER.. From PAT MARIDA in central & southern Ohio we hear a brilliant dissection of the catastrophic Portsmouth/Piketon uranium enrichment/Bomb-making disaster in Shawnee/Miami land. Legendary KPFA Flashpoints host DENNIS BERNSTEIN brings us the news from Alcatraz, and mourns the horrifying slaughter now proceeding in the Middle East. From DAMACIO LOPEZ we hear about the 2024 Uranium Film Festival, which will criss-cross the nation with its powerful message aimed at free our Earth from the nuclear curse. AARON WAZLAVEK of the United Auto Workers rejoins us to describe the fantastic rise of the labor movement throughout the nation. And the great STEVE DANZIGER comes again to tell us again of the horrors rained down on the Amazon regions of Ecuador, along with his own struggles to regain his law license and win justice for both his Indigenous clients and his own family. Steve shows us IN THE COURTS OF THE CONQUERER by Walter R. EcoHawk, which he terms the most important law book he ever read. DOROTHY REIK, LYNN FEINERMAN, JUSTIN LEBLANC, BRIAN STEINBERG and WENDI LEDERMAN add in their always-valued perspectives to a truly memorable IPD gathering.

2h 19m
Oct 13, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 10.05.23 > > GRASSROOTS ORGANIZING AT ITS BEST > > We begin with ANDREA MILLER and RAY MCCLENDON, two of our greatest grassroots leaders, introduce their overview for how to organize on the ground with GOTV and democracy center strategies. > As godparents of the Georgia Way/Miracle, they are at the core of the work we do in preserving democracy in this country. > > With JOHN STEINER and CAMILLA REES and ROBERT DESMARAIS (from New Orleans) joining in, our co-producer STEVE CARUSO gives us a first-hand report from Ohio on fascist attacks you could not make up. > > TATANKA BRICCA and JOEL SEGAL jump in with their unique long-term political wisdom. > > We are the introduced by MIKE HERSH to the great Maryland State Senator JEFF WALDSTREICHER, with whom we begin a long excursion into the realities of what it will take to save this nation. > > With Senator Waldstreicher we are joined by LINDA SEELEY of the San Luis Obispo MOTHERS FOR PEACE, who is fighting desperately to keep the Diablo Canyon nukes from destroying our Earth. > > And by ROBERT FREEHLING, whose brilliant economic analysis brightly illustrates the path toward Solartopia being blazed by the renewables revolution. > > With further input from RON LEONARD, CONNIE KLINE, JUSTIN LE BLANC, WENDI LEDERMAN and others, this becomes a massive 2+ hour excursion into the brilliant realities of a winnable grassroots solartopia future. > > Don’t miss it.

2h 24m
Oct 06, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 9.28.23

SHUTTING THE DIABLO NUKES:  A PDA SPECIAL BROADCAST On Sunday, September 24, the Progressive Democrats of America presented a special one-hour Town Meeting that featured LINDA SEELEY, of the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace, and Harvey Wasserman, host of’s GREEN POWER & WELLNESS SHOW. The discussion focussed on the Mothers’ new federal lawsuit against allowing Diablo Unit One to refuel before being thoroughly inspected for embrittlement and other internal defects. The suit became necessary when California Governor Gavin Newsom betrayed his previous agreement to a broad-based agreement meant to shut the two Diablo reactors by 2025. Pacifica Gas & Electric has been convicted of more than 90 felony manslaughter charges and has zero capability of taking responsibility for a major nuclear catastrophe. The need to protect our nation by shutting these two obsolete nukes has never been more desperate.  Tune in to hear why.  No Nukes!!!

1h 4m
Sep 29, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 9.21.23

GREEP #150:  NUCLEAR POWER & PACIFICA RADIO Our Green Grassroots Emergency Election Protection show begins with a deep dive into the curse of atomic power that continues to plague our planet and species. We start with MARY BETH BRANGAN and JIM HEDDLE of the Environmental Options Network, who tell us about their spectacular new documentary “The San Onofre Syndrome,” due to be released in Los Angeles on Sunday, October 8, with virtual availability on October 15. The film documents the magnificent citizens movement that against all odds shut units 2 & 3 at San Onofre, only to see the company and the regulators leave multiple tons of radioactive waste lying on the beach, within mere yards of the high tide line. LINDA SEELEY of the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace lays out the hard realities of fighting to shut the two reactors at Diablo Canyon, where a refueling outage will allow major testing to take place….if the regulators are forced to do so. During this shut-down the safe energy movement will demand testing for embrittlement, pipe cracking, seismic stability, evacuation planning and other safety factors before the plant can re-open. This huge confrontation will define the future of energy in California.  The reactors are surrounded by 13 earthquake faults and are operated by Pacific Gas & Electric, a criminal operation defined by more than 80 federal manslaughter convictions. California has more than enough renewable energy to power the state cheaply, cleanly and safely, and has no need whatsoever for this insanely dangerous power source. Likewise Michigan’s Palisades, where the great KEVIN KAMPS tells us how this dangerous, decrepit atomic jalopy has been shut….and is now insanely being given hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to reopen. TATANKA BRICCA asks about strategic planning to mount civil disobedience resistance to these nuclear nightmares. ROBIN HARPER, MYLA RESON and MIMI SPREADBURY chime in with critical California perspectives. LIBBE HALEVY, author of YES I GLOW IN THE DARK, an up-close-and-personal account of the nightmare at Three Mile Island, connects us with her excellent NUCLEAR HOTSEAT podcast. We are then honored with the presence of the great JAN GOODMAN, cofounder of the New Day Pacifica organization aimed at saving the treasured network. MIKE HERSH, MYLA RESON, DAVID SALTMAN and others dig into the utter madhouse of the Pacifica nightmare.  Saltman asks the all-important question:  “Where’s the dead camel buried?” WENDI LEDERMAN, STEVE KAISER and LYNN FEINERMAN wrap these two amazing discussions, which we will resume in two weeks, after the Jewish New Year. No Nukes!  Save Pacifica!!

2h 8m
Sep 22, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 9.14.23

OHIO/WISCONSIN MADNESS MEETS THE RABBI, THE UNIONIST, THE PINE TREE ALLIANCE, THE CONSTITUTION & THE KIDS       Our GREE-GREE #149 starts by commemorating the dual 9/11 catastrophes of 2001’s exploding World Trade Centers and the 1973 CIA murder of Salvador Allende, the duly elected Socialist leader of Chile.  [Robert Reich’s superb piece on this horrible coup is not to be missed].  The combination of these two world-changing crimes marks us with a dual tragedy we still struggle to overcome.   With the great NORM STOCKWELL of The Progressive — A voice for peace, social justice, and the common good Championing grassroots progressive politics, civil liberties, human rights, economic justice, a healthy environment, and a reinvigorated democracy. we go down the rabbit hole of the Wisconsin GOP’s latest assault on the state supreme court.  Long-time Wisconsin pol CHUCK CHVALA deepens our understanding of this insane situation, while STEVE CARUSO fills us in on the parallel madness in Ohio.   Legendary radio talk host DENNIS BERNSTEIN of KPFA’s Flashpoints Show adds his usual brilliance to the electoral mix.   Then LUCY HOCHSCHARTNER of Maine’s Pine Tree Alliance explains that state’s grassroots Montana movement to take over its two much-hated private utilities and create the nation’s first totally statewide public owned electric company.   RAY MCCLENDON of Georgia chimes in with his powerful perspective on grassroots organizing.     MYLA RESON and LYNN FEINERMAN add their support to the idea of post-nuclear public power.   AARON “GOOD TROUBLE” WAZLAVEK of the Teamsters gives us a much-needed view from organized labor at a time of great push and progress.   At the top of the hour we’re honored by the legendary RABBI ART WASKOW, the incredibly articulate spiritual Godfather to a generation of religion-based activists fighting for peace, social justice and environmental survival.     Solar pioneer RON LEONARD contributes his own deep insider understanding of the Solartopian transition we so desperately need to survive.   JUSTIN LEBLANC and JOHN STEINER contribute to the electric atmosphere.  So does the great author/attorney MAYA VAN ROSSUM, with her riveting account of the recent landmark victory by young climate activists in Montana aimed at saving the Earth.   TATANKA BRICCA, WENDI LEDERMAN and others flow into a truly warm, embracing and enlightening dialog that stretches well into a third hour.   Don’t miss this wonderful, uplifting, fun and lovingly comfortable landmark conversation.

2h 41m
Sep 15, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 9.7.23

A MONUMENTAL ORGANIZING MOMENT….& VICTORY IN ECUADOR     This breakthrough two-hour networking session joins RAY MCCLENDON and ANDREA MILLER of the “Georgia Miracle” with RACHEL COYLE and COURTNEY FLYNN of swing state Ohio, where a major grassroots victory has been won protecting the referendum process.   Ray tells us he has now helped form a new multi-state organization to help spread the grassroots tactics and strategies that famously turned two US Senate seats from Georgia into a reshaped majority in the nation’s upper house.   Andrea explains some of the key organizing principles that have made her work at the Center for Common Ground so critically important to protecting democracy throughout our nation.     Rachel then explains how the grassroots forces in the Buckeye State beat back a GOP attempt to destroy the referendum process.   She’s joined by Courtney Flynn from the Ohio Voter Rights Coalition, which helped turn this seemingly un-winnable fight into a landmark victory for democracy.   Joining these great multi-state organizers will hopefully help yield a transcendent campaign operation that will spread from the Ohio/Georgia axis throughout the US in the coming years, especially in the lead-up to 2024.   Joining the dialog is VINNIE DESTEFANO of the Julian Assange campaign who is full of brilliant campaign tactics—banner drops and more—usable by grassroots groups throughout the world.   JOHN STEINER and WENDI LEDERMAN add to the critical dialog.   ERIC LAZARUS joins the great RUSSELL GREENE to fill us in on the major march coming up at the United Nations on September 17.  Russell continues to break barriers with his signature brilliance and perseverance.   FOREST BEAUDOIN-FREED and MARK HARRISON contribute to the dialog.   MYLA RESON warns that despite his progressive reputation, US Senator SHELDON WHITEHOUSE has been a dangerous advocate of atomic power.   For our second hour, we’re joined by Teamster organizer AARON WAZLAVEK who celebrates his union’s hard-won wins and promises to join us again.   In our second hour, the great STEVE DONZIGER tells us of the monumental victory of the Ecuadorian people, who’ve become the first national population to vote a ban on oil drilling.     Steve has become a major figure in the progressive movement as a result of Chevon’s attacks against him, and will be feted at a fundraising event in Topanga Canyon, California, headlined by JANE FONDA, JODIE EVANS and others.   Steve’s fundraiser host, DOROTHY REIK, fills us in on the big mistake the oil industry has made in taking away attorney Donziger’s law license.  What a travesty!!!    JUSTIN LEBLANC, TATANKA BRICCA, MIMI SPREADBURY, JEFFREY BARKDULL and MARY STONEWALL-DOUGLAS expand the dialog.   The great CAMILLA REES punctuates the drama with critical references to the fight to shut the Diablo Canyon nukes.   Thank you all for joining us in this monumental dialog.  No Nukes!  And we wish the people of Ecuador success in protecting the beloved Amazon.

2h 10m
Sep 08, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 8.31.23

WHY NUCLEAR POWER SUCKS!   This breakthrough full-hour interview conducted by the legendary activist CAMILLA REES lays out—from bottom to top—why nuclear power has no role to play in saving our Earth from Global Boiling.   With your host HARVEY WASSERMAN, Camilla runs us through the full array of atomic issues, from health and safety to the economic, engineering and ecological disarray that has doomed this industry.   From the first Chair of the Atomic Energy Commission Lewis Strauss (the “bad guy” in “Oppenheimer”) promising energy “too cheap to meter”…. to the catastrophic $10 billion disaster at VC Summer, nuke power has been an unparalleled failure.   While confronting our “Global Boiling” imperative to slash heat and carbon emissions, nuke power makes both significantly worse.     On the other hand, 100% green SOLARTOPIAN energy keeps getting stronger, cheaper, more powerful, more job-creating, more unavoidable.   Under Camilla’s erudite questioning, Harvey lays out a comprehensive, irrefutable case for shutting all atomic reactors and moving straight to a 100% sustainable energy future based on wind, solar, batteries, efficiency and more.   No nukes, everybody!

Sep 01, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 8.17.23

CATASTROPHE IN MAUI; OHIO / MONTANA VICTORIES; THE NYTIMES AWAKENS TO RENEWABLES The horrifying disaster in Maui is Mother Nature’s way of telling us that with global boiling, there are no more safe places. JOHN & MARGO STEINER say where to send our ALOHA IN ACTION support for those in this stricken paradise. TATANKA BRICCA, MYLA RESON, DOROTHY REIK, JEFFREY BARKDULL and JUSTIN LEBLANC give us their mahalo in a time of tragedy. @15:40 RACHEL COYLE then reveals the inside story of the HUGE people’s victory over Ohio’s fascist Issue One, meant to erase the public right to democratically amend the Buckeye constitution with a simple majority….enshrined in Ohio law since 1912. @44:45 WENDI LEDERMAN describes Florida’s strongman/torturer Ron DeSantis’s purges of duly elected public officials, making Florida the place where democracy and freedom go to die. The great eco-activist RUSSELL GREENE invites us to his September 17 mega-march in New York aiming to end fossil/nuke climate destruction. PETER FIEKOWSKY explains his mega-engineering approach to decarbonizing the atmosphere. We explore the critical dynamics surrounding the defining battle at the DIABLO CANYON NUKE, joined by MIMI SPREADBURY, TATANKA BRICCA & MYLA RESON. Russell explains what’s happening at the climate emergency summit while DOROTHY REIK invites us to her September 9 fundraiser in Topanga for Steve Danziger. RON LEONARD dissects California’s escalating war against solar while we celebrate a front-piece piece from the NYTIMES finally citing Solartopian inevitability. We hear also of major advances in solar panels and moving lithium-based batteries to sodium, a MUCH cheaper route to the Solartopia future. Wendi reminds us of MAYA ROSSUM’s superb GREEN AMENDMENTS book. And we thank the great JOEL SEGAL for authoring landmark legislation for 100% green energy. NO NUKES! everybody….see you in Solartopia….

Aug 18, 2023
Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 8.03.23

IS AN ATOM-POWERED ARMAGEDDON UPON US? GREEP zoom #146 opens with KPFA's great talk show host DENNIS BERNSTEIN telling us of the astonishing nuclear dangers at Hanford, Washington’s atomic graveyard.     Host of “Flashpoints” at KPFA-Pacifica/Berkeley, Dennis’s brilliant reporting led him to witness some of the real horrors at the devastated Hanford Reservation in Washington state.   The fallout from the development there of the plutonium bomb that destroyed Nagasaki ruined the lives of thousands of innocent Americans, as Dennis powerfully explains.   LINDAY SEELEY of the San Luis Obispo Mothers For Peace then updates us on the latest developments in the grassroots campaign to permanently close Diablo Canyon. The two reactors on the central California coast 9 miles west of San Luis Obispo pose a profound, mega-lethal death threat to tens of millions throughout California and across the United States. Seeley and many many others have long been working to finally get those reactor closed.  A critical chance will arise this fall, when Unit One may close for refueling.     GREGG SEMLER informs us of an intriguing new green energy device that harvest electric power from water power systems throughout the world, hopefully letting us fight climate boiling (in part) by flushing our toilets. We then hear from RACHEL COYLE and JULIE WEINER about the latest election theft dirty tricks playing themselves out—alongside some actual victories---in Ohio and New York.   Along the way we hear from MYLA RESON, GREG SCHWARTZ, RON LEONARD, MARY DOUGLAS, JUSTIN LeBLANC, JEFFREY BARKDULL, NANCY NIPARKO,  WENDI LEDERMAN, DAVID GURAN, STEVE CARUSO, MIKE HERSH, DOROTHY REIK, et. al.   NO NUKES EVERYBODY….SEE YOU IN SOLARTOPIA!

2h 13m
Aug 04, 2023