Learn To Fly a Light Aeroplane In One Easy Lesson!
DEC 12, 2021
Description Community

It's finally here! A quick and easy way to learn how to fly in one easy lesson...just listen to this show.  Oh, and before we forget: Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate and happy new year.

(Oh...by the way this is show #142, but it's our 143rd episode.  Last months show was #143 but it was our 142nd episode.  Hopefully, you're just as confused as we are.)

Movie:  Air Force (1943)

Interview:  Gracie Johnson/TallyHo! Apps

Book:  Buffalo Air by Darrel Knight

Website:  Hawker Typhoon 

Song:  Alan Parsons Project - Blue Blue Sky #1

Destination/Places to Fly To:  Carolinas Aviation Museum/Charlotte NC

Comedy/Sound:  Fry and Laurie-How to Fly A Light Aeroplane In One Easy lesson

