Episode 41: In the Game, Collecting Combat Pay
OCT 19, 2022
Description Community

Faculty Hiring in Mathematics

Critical Issues in Mathematics Education 2023: Mentoring for Equity: https://www.msri.org/web/msri/education/for-k-12-educators/critical-issues

How well intentioned white male physicists maintain ignorance of inequity and justify inaction,” Melissa Dancy and Apriel K. Hodari

Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement and Alliance of Marginalized Mathematicians (OURFA2M2): https://www.ourfa2m2.org/

JMM Storytelling Event: minoritymath.org/storytelling

TODOS Math for All 2023 Conference: https://www.todos-math.org/assets/images/TODOS%202023%20Conference%20Call%20for%20Proposals.pdf


Connect with Mathematically Uncensored:

Email: mu@minoritymath.org

Twitter: @MathUncensored

Website: minoritymath.org/mathematically-uncensored
