Understanding The Science Of Safety With Jensen Hughes
DEC 09, 2019
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For episode 1 of the Modern Chemistry show, I interviewed DAMIAN STEFANCZYK, Senior Consultant at Jensen Hughes and JENS CONZEN Associate Director, Industrial and Process Safety, also of Jensen Hughes. You can find out more information about Jensen Hughes at https://www.jensenhughes.com/
Jens is on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jens-conzen-15364468/ - you’ll also find links to his publications and webinars on safety through this profile.
Damian is on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/damiandstefanczyk/
We mention a few terms in this episode that you might want to understand a bit better:
-The chemical ‘MDI’, which stands for Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. MDI is often used in the production of rigid insulation for homes and other building. In different forms, it is also used in sealants, adhesives and weather-resistant materials. If you want to jump all the way down this rabbit hole – then check out this resource on this class of chemicals - https://dii.americanchemistry.com/Diisocyanates-Explained/
-Heat capacity. Heat capacity is a property of all matter. It refers to the amount of heat that needs to be supplied to a material to raise the temperature of the material. The SI unit of heat is Joules per degree Kelvin. Simply put, materials with a lower heat capacity will warm up with less external heat input that materials with higher heat capacity.
-Calorimetry. This is the science of measuring the temperature changes of material under certain conditions. In our discussion, we talk about the specific technique of Adiabatic reaction calorimetry, which mimics a situation where no heat is lost from the material under examination. – this allows investigation of potentially unwanted (hazardous) events happening).
-Phi factor. The Phi factor is an adjustment used during adiabatic calorimeter experiments. As a reaction proceeds, the calorimeter will absorb some of the heat generated by the reaction. The Phi factor describes how much more heat needs to be added to the calorimeter to mimic a true adiabatic system. The lower the Phi factor, the less external heat needs to be added and therefore, the more closely the experiment mimics the real reaction.
Our theme music is "Wholesome" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Music from https://filmmusic.io
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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