MIP Markets with Chip Nellinger: Will 2024 Volatility Be The Same as 2023 Volatility?
JAN 08, 2024
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MIP Markets with Chip Nellinger: Will 2024 Volatility Be The Same as 2023 Volatility?

The conversation covers the reflection on 2023, the impact of geopolitical uncertainty on energy markets, volatility and uncertainty in grain markets, factors affecting the wheat market, geopolitical tensions on commodity prices, and challenges and opportunities in the hog market.

1. Geopolitical tensions and conflicts can significantly impact commodity prices, particularly in energy markets.
2. Volatility and uncertainty, driven by weather and geopolitical factors, are expected to continue in grain markets.
3. The wheat market is influenced by factors such as the Ukraine-Russia conflict, winter kill risks, and changing geopolitical dynamics.
4. The hog market faces challenges due to increased supply and potential disruptions in trade, but opportunities may arise in the summer months.
5. 2024 is expected to be a year of continued uncertainty and volatility in commodity markets.

00:00 Introduction and Reflection on 2023
03:14 Geopolitical Uncertainty and its Impact on Energy Markets
08:15 Volatility and Uncertainty in Grain Markets
11:40 Factors Affecting the Wheat Market
15:12 Geopolitical Tensions and their Impact on Commodity Prices
18:45 Challenges and Opportunities in the Hog Market
21:39 Conclusion and Well Wishes

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Presented By @AxonTire @AgDirect @IronSolutions @randallreillyperformance

Music By: @TalbottBrothers
Host: Casey Seymour @casey9673
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