Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:
- What are our responsibilities in time of war?
- How have Jews won their battles throughout history?
- How do the physical and spiritual components of the war complement each other?
- What does the spiritual war entail?
- How do you fight and win a war against a sworn enemy?
- Why are we empowered by knowing that this conflict is part of the geulah process?
- How do we respond to the global wake-up call?
- What strength and lessons do we gain from Yud Dalet Kislev – the 95th anniversary of the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin?
- What are some practical steps we can take to change our daily mindset from the negativity of golus to the positivity of geulah?
- How should I avoid despair?
- How do we build up betachon?
- How beautiful is it to see Jews celebrating the return of the hostages?
- What would the Rebbe’s view be on the latest hostage deal?
- Does negotiating with terrorists over hostages create a dangerous precedent and further encourages its enemies to view hostage-taking as a weapon?
- Are freeing hostages worth putting the war with Hamas on a four-day hold? Does Israel appear to be giving in to an enemy it has vowed to destroy?
- Is it right to exchange terrorists for Jewish hostages, let alone three Palestinian prisoners for every hostage returned? Does that risk allowing violent prisoners to go free?
- Is this hostage return a microcosm of the future ingathering of the exiles?
- Can we compare Hamas to Pharoah in their persistent shifting positions regarding releasing the hostages?
- Why did the Alter Rebbe emphasize the impact of his redemption on the nations of the world?
- What lessons do we learn from the Alter Rebbe supporting the victory of Russia over France?
- Why is spreading Chassidus important for all people in the world?
- What does this weekly parsha teach us about today’s events?
- What can we learn from Jacob wrestling with the angel?
- And from his hip displacement?
- What is the significance of Yaakov’s name being changed to Yisroel and our country being called Eretz Yisrael instead of Eretz Yaakov?
- How does Jacob and Esau’s reunion help us understand where we are headed?
- Can we find connections between names of people today and names in the Torah?
- Can we learn from Shimon and Levi how to deal with Gaza?
Strength and direction Hostage return How to ensure that a war brings peace?
What can we learn from Yud Tes Kislev during this time of war? Empowering Torah Portions