Dumb & Dumber Recap - The Oz Network Movies
FEB 21, 2024
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It’s week 3 of ANNIVERSARY MONTH for 2024 and we’re back with another epic Jim Carrey movie as we add some Jeff Daniels into the mix to get a bit silly, stupid and…well…dumb as we go over the 1994 classic that is Dumb & Dumber! Is this one of the funniest movies of all time? Does this movie not get enough credit for how much heart it has? Could this movie have been nominated for a best picture Oscar if it was released today? Is this the most quotable movie of all time? How would this movie have gone had Nicolas Cage been in it? How underrated is Lauren Holly in this movie? Why do we love Shay and Mental so much? Is this soundtrack one of the best soundtracks of all time? Does Colin’s mum know Jeff Daniels? Why are farts so funny? How many t-shirts do we want to buy after this? Do you want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? And which character is dumb and which is dumber? It’s an epic movie that you love and you will love the recap of it just as much so get to listening and get entertained!

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