Jarrah White is an Australian filmmaker, astrophysicist and geologist. He has Certificate III & IV qualifications with distinctions in Screen and Media at the Sydney Institute of TAFE NSW, Australia; and a BSc with a Major in Geology and a Minor in Astrophysics completed in November 2017 and July 2019 respectively.
He has produced over 100 videos regarding Apollo moon landing conspiracy theories, most notably the MoonFaker series. He has also written many articles for Aulis Online, and keeps the book NASA Mooned America! by Ralph René in print having acquired the copyrights since the original author's passing. He has been interviewed for many Australian and international magazines, newspapers and radio shows to discuss his views. Over the course of his research he has attended various space-related press conferences and interviewed or otherwise questioned many noteworthy people, including Buzz Aldrin, Wendy Kaysing (daughter of Bill Kaysing), Ralph René and Roger Boisjoly. White has also produced YouTube documentaries chronicling SpaceX's progress in their Starship program, as well as videos debunking false claims that the Earth is flat and the Challenger crew still being alive. White has also acted part time, appearing in Australian comedic television productions Fat Pizza and Darradong Local Council, and is aspiring to become an alternate history fiction author. His first novel, Trojan SMERSH, has been accepted for publication by Aurora House and will be released later this year.
As a young boy, White dreamed of becoming an astronaut and going to Mars. Now he considers himself a vocal scientific minority, being one of the few academics who doubts the Apollo moon missions. He believes that private space exploration will be the way of the future. White is fascinated by the successes and failures of the private space industry in recent years, and through his YouTube videos has advocated his own theories on how to use private space technology to overcome the radiation hazards on flights to the Moon and Mars. White can be reached at: jarrahw@gmail.com
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